Police Narcotics Bureau tracks the growers of the
devil's weed:
by Jayampathy Jayasinghe

Director Narcotics SSP Sugathadasa surveying the Ganja Chena.
The thick jungles of Kotathorai - Ethiliwella located 30 kilometres
away from Wellawaya-Thannamalvila, is infested with wild beasts such as
bear and man eating leopards. It is a rugged terrain, where Police and
Excise officials hardly venture into, due to fears of being killed or
maimed by muzzle loading trap guns set up by growers of Ganja to keep
intruders away.
The thick jungle is a safe haven for Ganja growers due to its
inaccessibility. The bountiful harvest of ganja, brings them easy dough.
Their livelihood too depend on the crop. Several acres of the jungle
have been cultivated with ganja plants, known as Cannabis Sativa in
botanical parlance. The thickness of the jungle and lush green landscape
gives cover to the plants that rustle in the wind. Few trained Police
and Excise men are able to identify the plant.
While Ganja growers were having a field day, the Police Narcotics
Bureau (PNB) sleuths too kept a tab on their activities. They noticed
the demand for Ganja sky rocketing due to the scarcity of heroin (brown
sugar) in the market. The flow of heroin into the country had been
adversely affected due to several drug barons fleeing the country while
most traffickers were languishing in jails. The reinforced naval
presence in the Palk -Straight too have affected heroin smuggling into
the country.

Ganja Plants. |
It was against this backdrop when Director, Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB)
SSP, Sugathadasa decided to raid Ganja Chenas in the Wellayaya police
area. Credible information was forthcoming that Ganja growers at
Kotathorai- Ehthiliwela were making big money due to the apathy of the
local police.
This prompted PNB's Director Sugathadasa to travel all the way to
Wellawaya, a distance of about 200 miles) to raid the Ganja Chenas of
Kotathorai -Ethiliwela. It was pretty obvious to him that some corrupt
Police and Excise officials have turned a blind eye to these activities.
The raid at Kotadorai- Ethiliwela was planned with meticulous
precision before information leaked out. The raid was a tremendous
success. Ganja growers had cultivated about three and a half acres of
jungle with 60,000 Ganja plants.
The raiding party consisted of Director Sugathadasa, 3 police
Inspectors, 2 police Sergeants, 6 Constables and 2 drivers who proceeded
to Kotadorai-Ethiliwela at Wellawaya. After nearing the chena they
stopped their vehicle and proceeded on foot to the chena.
The Policemen were posing as businessmen from Colombo. After arriving
at the chena they were shocked to see vast acres of Ganja plants. Before
long the policemen confronted a man armed with two loaded guns. While he
was being questioned two other suspect at the Chena took to their heels.
Police found 8 kilos and 500 grams of dried Ganja (Cannabis sativa).
They also destroyed over 60,000 Ganja plants at the chena. According to
SSP Sugathadasa the total value of the Ganja haul was over Rs. 5
million. He said dried Ganja is transported to Colombo by lorries and
buses stashed away among vegetables.
The Ganja monopoly is handled by wealthy businessmen who in turn
distribute it among their network of drug dealers. The street value of
one kilo of dried Ganja is Rs 17,000 in Colombo.
He said opium was not detected during 2006. But the amount of hashish
detected was 7 grams and 900 milligrams. The amount of heroin detected
by Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB) Police stations, Excise and Customs for
2006 was 62 kilos 603 grams and 835 milligrams. The amount of Cannabis
detected during the same period was 33,241 kilos, 754 grams 851
Meanwhile there was a drop of heroin in the country due to
traffickers from SAARC countries being arrested in Colombo. There were
20 Indians, 24 Maldivians, arrested in 2006. The number of traffickers
arrested abroad in SAARC countries were 107 persons. The total number of
persons arrested in Sri Lanka were 200 for the year 2006. "There was a
drop of 50 percent of heroin due to drug traffickers being sent to
jail," said the SSP.
The number of persons arrested for selling and possessing Ganja
(Cannabis Sativa) were 48. The amount of Cannabis Sativa detected was
10,360 kilos and 568 grams and 400 milligrams, valued at Rs. 186, 658,
624/00. Death penalty and jail sentences imposed by courts for year the
2006. Death penalty was imposed on a Sri Lankan while 16 persons were
sentenced to life imprisonment.
Thirty persons including foreign nationals were given various jail
sentences while another twenty five were given suspended sentences. The
foreign nationals include Singaporeans, Indians and Pakistanis. The
total number of persons convicted by courts for narcotics offenses for
2006 is one hundred and eighty eight (188).
Last Monday a Sri Lankan passenger who arrived from Banglore had 256
grams of heroin (white sugar variety) worth Rs 20 lakhs in his
possession. The heroin was concealed in the false bottom of his shoes.
The detection was made by Custom officials. The suspect was handed over
to the PNB for further investigations.
According to SSP Sugathadasa 240 Sri Lankans are in Indian jails for
drug related offenses. "Well known drug King pings like Thelbala and
Kimbukla-Ela Guna have fled to India due to fear of being arrested,
while Potta Naufer has been sentenced to death" he said.
Last year 8 kilos and 18 grams of heroin ware seized from passengers
who attempted to smuggle it into the country from the BIA. The heroin
was concealed in the false bottom of suitcases. The PNB Director has
vouched to eradicate the heroin menace from the country.
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