Let us talk about pets
The four legged companion you may be searching for!
Ruwini Jayawardana
Dogs are mainly used as companions or guards against burglars. They
are very intelligent and can form incredibly strong bonds with humans.
Choosing the right breed is an intensely personal matter but there
are broad guidelines to follow. The size of the fully grown dog is an
important matter. Very large dogs need a lot of exercise and once you
have decided that there is room in your house for a large dog, exercise
is the most important consideration.
Most people want a dog that fits reasonably into their home
environment. Breed or type behavior is important in choosing a dog than
any other characteristic. Typically, the terrier types are lively, not
easy to train, but very responsive dogs. They are good with children if
properly trained.
Toy dogs are usually better companions for owners who do not have
young children, as the dogs tend to be upset and snappy if playful
children rush around them and try to handle them. All toy dogs will be
happy with as much exercise as you can give them but a moderate amount
will do.
Hounds need as much exercise as possible. With this condition they
make very good house dogs. Breeds in other groups vary but generally,
those from the working group are all better with an occupation that
keeps them out of mischief.
The gundog or sporting breeds are easy to train, and settle into the
human environment without difficulty. They need a great deal of
Specialist working dogs such as the Border Collie demand more
attention than other breeds if they are not
to become neurotic pets. They are among the most rewarding of pets
because they are outstanding in obedience and work of all sorts.
First of all decide on what kind of puppy you want. Dogs are usually
divided into seven groups according to the tasks they perform they are:
TOYS - Toys were bred by selective miniaturization to be companion
and lap dogs. The Pekingese were carried in the sleeves of ladies of the
imperial Chinese court.
Some of the dogs in the Toys group include the Japanese Chin, King
Charles Spaniel, Chihuahua, and Yorkshire terrier.
TERRIERS - Dating from ancient Britain, the name "Terrier" refers
to dogs that perused prey into the ground. Later they became the
worker's sporting dog used for hunting small prey.
The Fox terrier, Jack Russell terrier, Scottish terrier and Norwich
terrier fall into this category.
GUN DOGS - Gun dogs are famous breeds used for flushing and
retrieving game companions and helpers of field sportsmen and hunters.
They include Springers, Cockers, Retrievers, and Pointers.
The Cocker Spaniel, English Setter, Gordon Setter and Golden
Retriever belong to this group.
HOUNDS - Bred to hunt, Sight Hounds are long legged and fast
running coursing dogs. The shorter legged Scent Hounds chase their
quarry in packs.
The Bloodhound, Fox Hound and Basset Hound a re included in this
WORKING DOGS - since ancient times, man has trained dogs to control
herds and protect livestock. Working dogs are specially bred for herding
and driving sheep and cattle.
This group includes the Border Collie, German Shepherd, and Bearded
UTILITY GROUP - The dogs in the utility category are as diverse as
they are interesting. From Siberian Huskies pulling sledges across the
Arctic ice, to Doberman guard dogs protecting life and property, they
have stood by mankind in thick and thin.
The Boxer, Doberman, and St. Bernard are some of the breeds found in
this category.
NON-SPORTING - These dogs were not bred for field sports.
Interestingly, the Dalmatian was a brave coach dog that followed his
master's carriage to guard against highwaymen.
Some of the breeds belonging to this group are the Chow Chow, Great
Dane, British Bulldog, and Dalmatian.
With so many breeds to choose from pedigrees and crossbreds, there is
not typical household pet dog breed nowadays. It is your choice to make
according to your needs and, most importantly, your new pet's comfort. |