Concern about concerns of Human Right violations
by Sarath Wijesinghe
These days some of diplomatic missions, NGOs, and a part of the media
are concerned about the alleged human right violations in Sri Lanka. We
too are interested and concerned about the human right violations in Sri
Lanka and worldwide and special concerns about Sri Lankan situation by
interested parties.
It is a great thing to be concerned about others rights - especially
on Human Rights. Human rights are rights enjoyed by human beings because
they are humans. Human Beings are different from other members of the
world family because they are the known most developed animal who are
intellectually advanced. Great leaders of religions directed these
"Human Beings" not to harm others, love respect and kind to others and
live in peace and harmony.
Despite preaching and teachings of great leaders of religions human
beings are greedy in order to share the land, resources wealth, food and
other material things which are unequally distributed.
Among the individuals and states where the boundaries are
artistically demarcated by fellow human beings, the inherent struggle
for the survival of the fittest and the law of the jungle continues.
This is the reality. Generally those who are powerful win over others.
This power struggle is not always fair and reasonable. There are
properly appointed and self appointed umpires to monitor the fairness of
the struggle for survival and the law of the jungle.
Despite the emergence of the world body of Nations in the name of
United Nations, in place of "League of Nations" both of which emerged as
a result of the aftermath of the world wars, there are self appointed
umpires and policemen in order to police the individuals and state
parties in the world.
Less affluent and small states are subject to strict scrutiny. Rich
are speared. We respect Kuwait as a friendly nation of ours. They are
rich and have invested wealth in the West.
There are gross violations of Human Rights there, which goes
unnoticed to our friends who are only concerned about our violations.
Pakistan is our good friend with military leadership.
They have come to our rescue as a friend on number of occasions. But
their tract record on Human Rights is not sub standard. Gross violations
are rampant in Iraq and Afghanistan for which "Occupying Forces are
responsible. Our human right standards are far and far above many states
in the world family.
As a result of mass destructions and loss of human lives and dignity
for the human kind due to world wars, leading groups of nations have
resolved to establish barrow meters to ascertain and provide for the
protection of individual and collective human rights.
These rights are codified mainly in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights, which has given reference to article 1, 55, 56, 62, 68 and
67 of the declaration of the establishment of the world body of Nations,
which has provided the basis for elaboration on the content of standards
and the machinery for implementing and protection of human rights.
On 10th December 1948 general assembly of the United Nations adopted
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which provides directions to
the family of Nations, as a result of recognition of the inherent
dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the
human family is the foundation of freedom justice and peace in the
It further states that all human beings are borne free and equal and
about maintained of dignity and rights. They should act towards one
another in a spirit of brotherhood. And everybody is entitled to all the
freedoms set forth in the declaration without distinction of any kind
such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin property birth or other status.
These rights and declarations have limitations in practice and
implementation. According to Article 2 of the main Charter "the
organization is based on the principle of sovereign equality of all
members, which is reiterated in Vienna Convention of Diplomatic
relations by recalling members, that the purpose and principles of the
Charter of the United Nations was mainly aimed at concerning the
sovereign equality of states, the maintained of international peace and
security, and the promotion of friendly relations among the nations."
These principles and convention are equal to every state and
individual irrespective of the size wealth and resources. Though we are
small, our maturity and sonority in the world family is accepted and
proved in the past especially during the summit of non aligned nations.
Therefore it is the duty of the Diplomatic Missions and Non
Governmental organizations, to abide by the Vienna Conventions and other
accepted norms and conventions of non interference and respect to each
other and not being emotional and misguided by vested interests locally
and globally.
All these concepts and the contents of the declaration of human
rights are embodied in the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lank directly and indirectly.
Mostly in article 10 to 15 which is implemented through article 126
which is a fast developing jurisdiction far superior to the Human Rights
jurisdiction in India, USA, UK, and the European Union.
Almost all the conventions known and rules on Human Rights are
embodied in our Constitution and the legal and administrative machinery
in Sri Lanka directly and indirectly.
The most important peace of legislation on Human Rights in Sri Lanka
is the Human Rights Commission Act no 21 of 1996 which establishes the
human Rights Commission to inquire into and investigate complaints
regarding procedures, complaints regarding infringements or imminent
infringements of fundamental rights, advise and assist the government in
formulating legislation, to make recommendations to the government on
the need to subscribe to international instrument and to promote
awareness of and provide education in relation to Human Rights.
It is to the credit of the Sri Lankan Government and His Excellency
that a Presidential Commission is appointed to look into the alleged
disappearances and round ups in Colombo. It is sad that these champions
are not concerned about the Human Right violations in the North and
East, when the Sri Lankan government is providing food, Education and
all other facilities at the cost of citizens of the other part of the
Nowhere in the world democratically elected government follows this
unusual kind but expensive gesture. In order to implement these powers
the Commission is empowered with powers to investigate, appoint
committees, intervene in proceedings, monitor the welfare of detainees,
refer matters to Supreme Court, research to awards in its absolute
discretion to agree with persons and to do all such other things as are
necessary or conducive to the discharge of its functions.
The powers given to the Commission are enormous and exhaustive to the
credit of Sri Lanka where no similar institution available even in the
United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom in the event of an infringement of
the basic rights of an individual the main machinery is to seek redress
from the Court.
Government though sensitive on human rights issues act as a promoter
and a catalyst leaving the implementation of the decisions to the Court
system. In many other parts of the world the situation is the same.
Therefore we are entitled to same dignity and equality from the
members of the family however powerful and rich they are. In the United
Kingdom prevention of terrorism act is actively in force and the
application of internment is open.
In Sri Lanka the prevention of terrorism act is not in operation and
the terrorists are treated under the normal law. In the United Kingdom
Northern Ireland terrorists have laid down the arms and entered into the
democratic process after having entered into the Good Friday Agreement
with the genuine help and assistance of Senator Michael of USA. In Sri
Lanka those who are concerned about human rights have different
standards and barrow meters of treatment of terrorist activities.
The reports prepared by various international and intergovernmental
bodies on the human rights situation of USA, Japan, European Countries
are not satisfactory. In the USA the legislation and the procedure in
the prevention of terrorism is extremely tough and ruthless due to the
infamous 9/11 disaster. They do not realize that we too are gone through
number of 9/11s due to barbaric acts of terror by few individuals.
How a country does maintain human rights standards? Generally there
is internationally acceptance that States must maintain international
standards on human rights issues and humanitarian law. International
standards are the standards specified directly and indirectly based on
international instruments including Universal Declaration of Human
Those who expect to maintain international standards are expected to
introduce checks and balances in the maintenance and improvement of
individual and collective human rights through constitutional and
administrative mechanisms.
The United Kingdom being the centre for number of international
humanitarian and human rights organizations, such as Amnesty
International have organized an international Web and a Forum via media
and otherwise to monitor human rights violations in most countries.
The main expectation of this process is the existence for
democratically elected government, democracy, rule of law and due
process. How many countries in the developed world do maintain these
international standards is a very sensitive issue which is a moot point.
In many under developed and developing countries due to availability
of meagre resources and the pressure on development of the developing
world there are ongoing disturbances in various forms.
Sri Lanka is a developing country centrally and ideally situated with
a highly developed and educated work force too struggling for more and
more resources for development. Therefore obviously there are agitations
within in various forms.
North and East Issue originated as a result of this simple scenario
for which ethnic coloration has been given by some vested interests.
In Sri Lanka there is a democratically elected government,
independent judiciary multi party democracy vibrant bar and a powerful
network of local and international non governmental organizations. Press
Freedom is guaranteed constitutionally administratively and in real
Number of TV and Radio channels and newspapers and magazines are the
majority when compared handful of newspaper publications TV and radio
channels sponsored by the State. The criticism is the government and His
The open criticism of His Excellency and the Government in general is
a very encouraging and healthy situation in terms of Press Freedom. The
foreign missions in Sri Lanka and some non governmental organizations
point the finger at the government alleging Human Rights violation.
Human Rights violations are a common occurrence all over the world.
The issue is the extent and the gravity of such violations. Some of
the allegations are disappearances rounding up and picking up
individuals by unknown and unidentified persons and sporadic shooting
Despite article 3 of the Vienna Convention which demands diplomatic
missions of sending states to act within the limits permitted by
international law ascertaining by all lawful means, conditions,
development and the receiving state to promote friendly relations with
the sending state developing cultural scientific relations as well.
It is acting outside their purview if the missions of the sending
state interferes the internal affairs including suppression of
terrorism. Sri Lanka has never criticized steps taken by USA in
suppressing terrorism in USA, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries.
Sri Lanka has never made statements against tough measures and
legislations taken by USA and UK jointly and severally in combating
terrorism and against the rackets surrounding illegal immigrants.
As a result of this tough and barbaric legislation the Human Rights
situation has enormously downgraded. Neither Sri Lanka nor many peace
loving countries have criticized the steps taken to maintain law and
order in the country.
The international community has agreed that LTTE is a terrorist
organization. There is no dispute that they are the most ruthless
terrorists in the world. There is no dispute that their main weapon is
human bombs.
There is no dispute that the few boats and few light air crafts that
are in possession of the LTTE are illegal and a threat to national
security of Sri Lanka and the neighbours.
It is only in Sri Lanka that the government in power maintains the
flow of essential consumer items and all other forms of services such as
education, electricity to terrorist affected and confronted areas when
terrorists have waged war against the democratic elected government and
people of Sri Lanka keeping civilians as hostages.
Nowhere in the world this type of Humanitarian aid and assistance
given with a larger sacrifice of resources belong to the peaceful and
peace loving citizens.
The government has put forward a progressive viable set of proposals
based on humanity, Human Rights, equality and fair distribution of
wealth and equal rights to every individual.
It is very strange that some diplomatic missions in Sri Lanka and
NGOs are highly concerned and agitated about human rights violations in
Sri Lanka.
It is time for them to rethink the strategy and resume our best
relations as ever based on Equality, International Law and Vienna
(The writer is a Solicitor in England and Wales, Attorney-at-Law,
Convener - Committee for International Law and International Relations
in Sri Lanka- [email protected]) |