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DateLine Sunday, 20 May 2007





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

'Outsourcing' grips post colonial states

Our Sunday Observer staffer Afreeha Jawad traces the global spread of 'outsourcing' which helps prop up an unjust political economy that brings in so such of social inequity.

From time to time we hear of novel terms and references coming off the system - the latest in such innovation being 'outsourcing' in connection with developing IT services outsourced by other countries. While the term itself is new the task is all old hat. Though the latest reference has been in relation to technological outsourcing, there has been all kinds of outsourcing during post colonial times.

The 17th century industrial revolution led countries into vying with one another in amassing wealth which led to imperialism followed by strong nationalistic tendencies. Stockpiling wealth, these countries were into acquiring arms on large scale as territorial integrity safeguards.

Europe with its numerous bloody wars is testimony to the power thirst and nationalistic mania that was. Today in the absence of war among the powerful nations, significantly their unity over exploiting the poor nations is noteworthy.

Accompanying nationalistic tendencies is a strong sense of ethnicity. It is here that the introduction of western liberal democracy comes into play - all part of political outsourcing.

Ironical indeed is contemporary neo-liberalism where the rich and powerful are collaborating to exploit poor nations while these nations - all ethnically embroiled continue with a heavily centred system fighting one another.

The birth of nation states, the formation of the League of Nations (later known as the UN) the creation of the Commonwealth (not to forget the Queen as head) were to be the needed political manouverings seemingly a facade for the compulsory implementation of political outsourcing pregnant with vested interests.

The British 'benevolence' of minority safeguards in Article 29 they knew would never see light of day as communal representation intensified ethnicity with the majoritarian centre riding rough shod over minority aspirations - a clear victory of their intended motive of engaging communities in mutual throat throttling. But why blame the British the whole time.

Aren't we also responsible - some ask. But that's asking for too much in a British outsourced social/econ/political system that brought in different social layers of stratification, class, religious and ethnic divisiveness where elitists from all spheres - religious, political, business and bureaucratic were successfully brought in for the effective implementation of what the British outsourced. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then.

Economic outsourcing today sees a whole network comprising 114 multi-national companies that operate worldwide carefully handling even the palate of the respective populace. Take for instance Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Pepsi, Coke, Nestle products - all flavoured into just the way the locals would like to have it.

Yet year in and year out we celebrate what is called 'Independence day.' "They've left us only to be back with greater force," said someone at the time of writing. The socio/cultural outsourcing is evident in the worldwide spread of English, western dress, food among other things too numerous to mention.

Among the latest in the outsourcing series is the west's encouragement of the third world into setting up industrial ventures within their own territories. Being at the receiving end of industrial pollution they have now cast their 'benevolent' glance on the east. Today, leading brands of English apparel carry the Made in Sri Lanka label.

Outsourcing the medico/legal services have undermined whatever was indigenous in the colonies. Practising at Gray's Inn and Harley Street adds to elevated social status. The system itself revolves round the whole idea of status not to forget the financially rewarding evolved state-all part of the global political economy.

Thus the outsourcing of goods, services, ideologies and what not have come in - shall we say a 'refined' way out than physically being present with large armies to plunder national wealth. Intrigue and deception continue to grip the powers that be.

Jawaharlal Nehru referring to the obsession with nationalism said, with the growth of nationalism, the idea of my country right or wrong developed and nations gloried in doing things, which in the case of individuals were considered bad and immoral. Thus a strange contrast between the morality of nations and the morality of individuals.

The very vices of individuals became the virtues of nations. Selfishness, greed, vulgarity and arrogance were considered utterly bad and intolerable in the case of men and women.But in the case of nations these were praised and encouraged under the noble cloak of patriotism and love for one's country.

Even murder and killing become praiseworthy of large groups of nations that undertake it against one another. A recent author has told us and he is perfectly right that,'civilisation has become a device for delegating the vices of individuals to larger and larger communities.'

(Next week the writer will examine the possible return of the dark ages)

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