Ministry to keep close tab on tuition classes on Poya days
by Ananda Kannangara.
The Buddhasasana Ministry will keep a close tab on private tuition
classes that are conducted on full moon Poya days.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremenayaka who is also the Buddhasasana
Minister said on Thursday that a special program to prevent school
children attending private tuition classes on full moon Poya days will
be initiated.
Under this program Ministry officials are expected to visit Dhamma
schools countrywide and request children to refrain from attending
tuition classes on Poya days.
This decision was taken following complaints, received by the
Ministry about tuition classes being conducted in many places,
especially in urban areas on Poya days.
It was also reported that some tuition classes were being conducted
yesterday in Colombo, Gampaha, Kohuwala, Nugegoda, Kandy, Kurunegala and
Timbirigasyaya although it was Poson Full Moon Poya day.
When contacted, several teachers conducting these classes said that
they were unable to complete the syllabus of certain subjects,
pertaining to the GCE (AL) Examination scheduled to be held in August.
Some children said that in addition to the forthcoming AL
examination, classes were also conducted for many other examinations.
"However there is still no legal authority to ban or institute rules and
regulations to stop these classes functioning on full moon poya days,
therefore creating an awareness among children on this is very
important", a senior Ministry official said.
He also said that conducting these classes on poya days will greatly
hamper the religious activities of people, especially the younger
generation in the country. It is said more private tuition classes are
conducted by tutors in urban areas than rural areas on Poya days.