some foreign jobs for children of July strikers
The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) has decided to
provide a certain percentage of Foreign employment opportunities to the
children of the July strikers. The decision was taken following a
meeting President Mahinda Rajapaksa had with a group of July strikers at
Temple Trees recently.
During the meeting the members of the group, led by M. A. D.
Gunaratna had told President Rajapaksa that many of their problems had
been sorted out and called upon the President to look into the few other
matters which are still unresolved.
The President had directed the officials to forward details of the
July strikers and their children, so that all matters pertaining to them
could be resolved within a short period. Meanwhile, Foreign Employment
and Welfare Minister Keheliya Rambukwella told the 'Sunday Observer'
that priority would be given to the children of July strikers when
selections are made for foreign employment in future.