Cabinet decisions
Temple societies under the NPAG
Inclusion of Temple societies under the National Procurement Agency
Guidelines No.3.9.1. Both Viharastha Karya Sadhaka Samithis and the
Viharastha Dayaka Sabhas which function within the premises of the
respective temples and the Dhamma schools will become eligible societies
in the National Procurement Agency Guidelines No.3.9.1.
Greater Dambulla Development Program
Construction of administrative complex at Dambulla and Multi-purpose
hall at Galewela. Under the Greater Dambulla Development plan, the Urban
Development Authority (UDA has proposed to construct an administrative
complex at Gam Udawa Site at Dambulla and a multi-purpose hall at
Representative office in Ramallah
Establishment of a Representative Office in Ramallah in the State of
Palestine. Office complex for Motor Traffic Dept. Construction of an
office complex for the Department of Motor Traffic.
Draft Bill to incorporate Buddhist Association
The amendments by the Legal Draftsman and observations by the
Attorney General in relation to the Buddhist Association of the
Bambalapitiya Housing Complex (incorporation) Draft Bill. The Cabinet
has granted its approval to present a report to the Parliament.
National Archaeological Week
To declare National Archaeological Week from July 7 to 13, 2007. The
Department of Archaeology has designed another program to conserve and
maintain one hundred selected archaeological monuments with active
participation of school children.
Establishment of an Expressway Authority
The Road Development Authority (RDA) under this Ministry is currently
engaged in the planning and construction of Southern, Katunayake and
Outer Circular Expressways with an establishment of an Expressway
Cycle Power Project at Kerawalapitiya
The issue of non-committal Letter of Intent (LOI) to investor BPH
International INC Ltd. to establish LNG fired combined cycle power
project at Kerawalapitiya.
Sri Lanka Consulate in Shanghai
Establishment of Sri Lanka Consulate in Shanghai, China, with
immediate effect.