Land fragmentation hits coconut cultivation
by Chanuka Mannapperuma
The annual loss of land due to fragmentation is 6,000 acres. As a
result the loss of coconut production is nearly 400,000 nuts, Chairman
Coconut Cultivation Board, Jayantha Gunathilake told the Sunday
He said the Plantation Industries Minister D. M. Jayarathne has
instructed the Coconut Cultivation Board to obtain the annual quota of
saplings needed after surveying the coconut lands in the country.
In Sri Lanka the annual demand for coconut saplings is around 1.6
million according to the Coconut Research Institute. The Coconut
Cultivation Board Chairman said, three million saplings are needed to
meet the demand. The Minister said that three million saplings are
inadequate and efforts should be made to improve the methods of the
process of nurturing saplings.
The home garden coconut cultivation programme, initiated by the
Minister has 3,600,000 saplings. The annual production of coconuts is
around 2,900 million nuts of which 80% is use for domestic consumption.
He said since coconut cultivation has not improved during the past
decade, there was a marked decline in coconut production.