Tamil community no longer tolerates LTTE demands blindly
Any organisation representing a community cannot exist once they lose
the support of the community they represent. The LTTE is no exception.
Though LTTE claimed that they were the liberators of the Tamil community
they have now become a curse to the same community.
Under this circumstance the Tamil community is now yearning to get
rid of this so-called liberator as they are sure they themselves can
find the path of freedom without depending on an outfit which is ready
to prey on the lives of innocent Tamil people for their own liberation.
The Tamil community, who blindly worshipped the LTTE as their saviour,
have now realised the bitter truth that they can no longer keep faith on
them as their liberator as it is not capable of attaining their own
Adding to these concerns of the Tamil community towards the LTTE is
the suffering they had to undergo at the hands of the LTTE in the
'boiling pot' of Wanni, following the loss of entire Eastern Province to
the Security Forces.
They want to come out of this pot in the Wanni as the pressures on
them by the LTTE are now on a high degree.
The Tamil community is no longer tolerating the nuisance of the LTTE.
They are now ready for a do or die battle, not with the Sri Lankan
Government or the Government Security Forces but with the LTTE.
Open defiance
The Tamil community openly defy the orders of the LTTE when they
forcibly kept the Tamil community with them to be used as a human shield
to take cover from the Security Forces.
The first sign of the people's protest over the LTTE, emanated on
Wednesday with the first family from heavily fortified Puthukuduiruppu
in Mullaitivu dared to cross the stormy seas in a dingy boat to arrive
in Trincomalee in the wee hours on Wednesday daring the LTTE guns
pointed at them.
The family originally from Madalan at Puthukuddyirippu in the
Mullaittivu district, had braved the choppy seas avoiding non-liberated
shores till they reached safe waters under naval patrol.

A soldier engaged in clearing mine fields |
The family had drifted long hours until they were attended to by
naval personnel and brought ashore. The family members further said
escaping from the uncleared area was the only way out.
They explained the orgy they undergo in the Tiger controlled Wanni
where they have been oppressed by the LTTE to achieve their petty goals.
The family of five, father, mother and three children, now living
under the protection of the Sri Lanka Navy told the media that people in
Wanni were eagerly awaiting their liberation from the LTTE as it
happened in the East.
According to military it was the first time the civilians had chosen
the sea route in the East especially the sea belt along Mullaitivu to
flee the Tiger held areas.
These civilians have chosen this path as it was extremely impossible
for them to cross into government held areas via entry-eExit points at
Omanthai, as LTTE has severely restricted civilian movements from Wanni.
The LTTE has restricted the movements of even patients who are in
dire need to have their medicines which are not available in Wanni. A
person infected with AIDS had to plead with the LTTE to cross Omanthai
check point this week to arrive at a Colombo hospital.
He also revealed to the doctors that LTTE prevented him from entering
government held areas for months and he was critically ill.

A donation from the Army Seva Vanitha Unit |
Not only these civilians the civilians crossing the sea in the North
of Mannar to arrive in Government held areas in Mannar reconfirmed the
intelligence reports received from Wanni about the plight of the
civilians miserably entrapped in Wanni.
The Tiger outfit is suppressing these innocent civilians in their
intense preparation to protect their strong hold in the Wanni, to avert
repetition of Eastern debacle in the Wanni as they are sure that their
territory will soon be overrun by the Security Forces already engaged in
clear operations in West of Vavuniya.
With these developments the LTTE has demanded that at least three
members from one family should join the outfit to have their required
number of cadres, as the outfit now facing severe shortage of man power
with the loss of their recruitment bases in the East and also in
Jaffna.Earlier practice of the LTTE was to have one member from one
family to join the ranks of the LTTE. But they have to highly
concentrate on the forcible recruitment of youth and children to their
depleted ranks as their defences in the Wanni constantly come under
attack of the Security Forces to neutralize the Tiger attacks.
Therefore, Wanni has become one of the most dangerous places for
children especially for teenagers who have minimum strength to hold a
gun in their hand. The families fleeing the Tiger held Wanni are mainly
parents with children who are young.
Demoralised cadres
The situation has emerged due to highly demoralised LTTE cadres now
serving in the LTTE. They are now demoralised to the point to commit
suicide detonating suicide belts hanging around their waists, the latest
deadly weapon they use, to prevent them being captured by the Security
Ayanna alias Neeshan a senior LTTE leader in Pandikulam area in
Vavuniya killed himself detonating a suicide belt when the troops
swooped on a gang of Tiger terrorists moving in Koomankulam junction on
Tuesday afternoon.
The senior Tiger leader sustained injuries following gunfire directed
by rushing troops but his fellow terrorist fled on motorbike leaving the
injured fellow-terrorist behind with his motorbike.
As the troops went closer, the wounded area leader blew himself up to
avoid being caught by the troops. Investigations confirmed that a
suicide jacket worn around his waist triggered the explosion bringing
instantaneous death to him.Under these circumstances the Tiger outfit
has failed to maintain discipline among the cadres resulting high degree
desertions of the LTTE ranks.
This situation has compelled the Tiger leadership to forcibly deploy
the civilians on guard duty to protect their military installations.
With the Tamil Eelam map now reduced to Mullaitivu, Kilinochchi, and
some parts of Weli Oya, Vavuniya and Mannar districts the Tiger outfit
have to depend on the population living in Wanni for all their
activities ranging from recruitment, taxation and to draw blood.
Therefore, the Human Rights violations have become order of the day
in the Wanni with all sorts of harassments imposed on them with the sole
intention of defending themselves from any offensive operation by the
Security Forces.
They have been left with no other option other than going for large
scale human rights violations suppressing the innocent Tamil civilians.
The pressures on the civilians in the Wanni clearly implicate how the
outfit has been shaken by the losses they experienced in the Eastern
The loss of territory, man power and also large stocks of weapons to
the Security Forces has brought the morale of the Tiger leadership to
the lowest level in the three decade long conflict.
The international image of the LTTE has been severely affected after
the loss of the East as they cannot go before any international forum
for showing their illusive Eelam map as the entire world is enlightened
on the fact that they have lost complete control over the Eastern
These circumstances have restricted the LTTE leadership from entering
into negotiations with the Government as the situation is highly
unfavourable to them. But the LTTE is engaged in a campaign that they
have to withdraw from the negotiations due to human rights violations by
the Government.
But the Tiger outfit cannot keep the Human Rights violations taking
place in Wanni, a secret to the international community as Tamil
civilians are openly defying the orders of the LTTE and brave the guns
pointed at them to flee the Tiger held areas as it happened in Vakarai
in November last year.
Therefore, a mammoth crowd of civilians are expected to break the
defences of the LTTE in Wanni in the coming days as they are well aware
of the fact even the LTTE itself cannot defend themselves in their
stronghold in the Wanni.
The intelligence reports receiving from Wanni indicates the incident
connected to the Sea Tiger leader Soosai has shaken also the people in
It has been divulged that Sea Tiger leader Soosai is still in an
unconscious state in a hospital in Puthukuduiruppu in Mullaitivu after
sustaining injuries in an explosion while inspecting a Sea Tiger
exercise in Nanthikadal lagoon on July 18.
The five year old son of Soosai Shankar also died in this explosion.
Now, the LTTE has turned these areas into High Security Zones fearing
they be penetrated by the Security Forces.
Apart from this situation reports also suggests that the LTTE is also
forcing the NGO workers serving in Wanni to channel their funds to the
Tiger outfit as they running out of funds following their defeat in the
East. Therefore, the area has become highly dangerous for the NGOs to
continue their activities with LTTE pressurizing them to act according
to their wish.
Exodus expected
Under these circumstances it is highly predictable that people will
soon leave the Tiger held areas in Wanni, seeking refuge of the Security
Forces as it happened in the Eastern province last year.
With these human rights violation taking place in Wanni in the
aftermath of the Eastern debacle the Security Forces are now continuing
their search and clear operations in the newly liberated areas in
Thoppigala jungle while tracking the Tiger cadres fled from Thoppigala
Commando troops, and infantry battalions have been deployed in
Kaddawana jungle in Trincomalee as troops receiving information that a
group of more than 100 cadres had moved into the jungle after fleeing
from Thoppigala and crossing the jungles in West of Vakarai. Troops have
intensified these operations as the presence of Tiger cadres in the
province would hamper the efforts taken by the Government to restore
normality in the Eastern province and to expedite the development
process in the province.
Apart from the operations by the Army the Police Special Task Force
also now engage in clear operation to flush out Tiger cadres who had
fled to Kanchikudichchiaru jungles in the Batticaloa Ampara border. The
STF has been able to detect some abandoned camps inside the jungle
during these operations and had found many mine fields set by the
fleeing Tiger cadres to prevent them being tracked.
However, flushing out of these Tiger cadres has become compulsory
given the task before the Government to develop the Eastern province to
the satisfaction of the civilian population living there. It is sad to
note that some are making premature remarks over the progress of the
development process in the East, forgetting the fact that the East has
been left out from the development process for more than two decades.
Therefore, it is unfair to compare the developments taking place in the
East with other districts of the country, since it was backward prior to
the liberation.
But, it has to be emphasized that if the people of the Eastern
province are to be kept under the control of the Government, they should
be treated equally developing the area in a way that can be felt by the
For instance, instead of making patchwork repair to the damaged roads
they should be developed to modern carpeted roads. President Mahinda
Rajapaksa has also taken progressive step to strengthen the security of
the government officials now serving in the Eastern province so that
they can continue the development process without being affected by the
terror acts of the LTTE.
Such moves will help ensuring the people not only in the Eastern
province but also in the Wanni to say no to the tyrannical rule of the
LTTE and to enter the path of democracy to develop their areas parallel
to the development process taking place in other parts of the country. |