NPIP booster for plantation sector
by Deepal Warnakulasuriya

Despite technological advances rubber tapping still lags behind
Plantation Industry especially tea was the leading foreign exchange
earner till about the mid eighties. But, it still plays a significant
role in the national economy, contributing 2.6 per cent to the GDP
(2005). The total land area utilized is about 750,000 hectares while the
sector provides over 1.5 million direct and indirect employment,
according to statistics last year.
The plantation sector which was privately owned was nationalised in
the mid 1970s, but being a failure it was privatised partially which has
made a heading. The sector mainly comprises tea, rubber and coconut
followed by sugarcane, cashew and palmyrah. Even after several
researches and development strategies the sector was facing low
productivity as well as high production costs.
After realising that structural changes were of little help to
improve the viability of the large plantation sector, the Minister and
relevant authorities decided applying some agricultural practices and
factory modernisation to improve the quality and the quantity of
products to reach expected targets.
The National Plantation Industry Policy (NPIP) introduced recently as
NPIP Framework is comprised of eight specific strategic policy
alternatives to "achieve national prosperity through development of the
plantation industry" as planned in the plantation sector's vision. The
policymakers expected to achieve long term sustainability of the sector
by strengthening the state's role as a facilitator, regulator and
moderator to enable the State sector to participate effectively with the
private sector.
The specific policy alternatives are:
(a) Policy on Economic Governance in the plantation sector
(Establishment of a policy analysis circle) within the Ministry of
Plantation Industries
(b) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policy
(c) Research and Development (R&D) policy
(d) Human Resource Development (HRD) policy
(e) Land-use policy
(f) Development-oriented plantation management policy
(g) Investment policy and
(h) Policy on targeted subsidies/incentives

A woman plucks tea leaves wearing appropriate apparel |
Implementing this the government plans to contribute to GDP by 8.9
per cent of the GDP 2005 on the average from the plantation sector
during the ten year period (2007-2016). It also expects to increase the
growth rate of the plantation sector by two per cent per annum during
the next five years and increase the level of productivity by five per
cent per annum. Further the NPIP will also work to improve the
livelihood and welfare of the plantation community by increasing
investment in human, financial, physical, natural and social capital in
the sector.
According to the policy framework the total estimated investment for
the plantation sector would be Rs. 254,570 million for the proposed 10
year period. The estimate has been done for tea, rubber, sugar, cashew,
palmyrah and coconut.
Speaking to the Sunday Observer Plantation Development Project
Director Raja Premadasa said that each and every plantation had been
separately discussed and planned. "If we take tea sub sector separately
introduction of viable innovations in production, processing, value
addition, marketing and integration to meet global needs are the major
objective we considered. In addition effective transfer of the tested
technology and facilitating the necessary requirements aimed at
increasing the production level and profitability improvement",
Premadasa said.
Very simply, the NPIP breaks the communication gap between the
institutes or authorities in one sector. Secondly it links all the
sectors making way for strengthening the country's economy. Tea sector
has Tea Board, Tea Research Institute, Small Tea Estate Development
Authority, Tea Shakthi Fund, Kalubovitiyana Tea Factory Co. and National
Plantation Management Institute under its wings.

A tea collection centre which is in need of modernisation |
Plantations Industries Minister D. M. Jayaratne appreciating the
documented national policy for the plantation industry identified it as
an important milestone in the history of the plantation industry.
He also said that Cabinet approval has been obtained for the National
Plantation Industry policy and now it is time to implement it. The
Minister also stressed the necessity of increasing the production,
meeting the global and domestic demands and at the same time improve the
quality and the standards of processing in keeping with international
According to the new plan, rubber saplings will be planted in
non-traditional areas of over 34,500 hectares. Instead of exporting
products, the policy emphasises on value added products.
New mills, production plans, research work and many more are there
for each and every plantations.
Project Director Premadasa summarised the policy framework saying
that the government's role for the plantation sector has been changed
from a regulator to a facilitator making ways for all the relevant
parties to participate in decision making.
For smooth implementation of policies, the time has come to appoint a
steering committee to supervise the proceedings.