Wheat flour - the connoisseur's delight
by Afreeha Jawad
Be it a wayside kiosk, cafe or high profile hotel, one is sure not to
miss out on the high degree consumption of starch and oil - needless to
speak of rising numbers of diabetics and heart patients.
Come to think of it wheat flour has some sort of magic in it for
devoid of such one cannot even dream of any gourmet's delight - spring
rolls, Quiche Loren, souffle, trifles, Black Forest, Rum and Raisin nut
brownie, tarts, coffee gateau, Modeira, Mocca, Nuggets - Oh! the list is
never ending, none of which is a reality with rice flour - or is it that
we do not have the necessary technology to equal the magic effect coming
off wheat flour.
Whatever that may be one thing for sure is wheat flour currently
enjoys global supremacy in the world of culinary delight. But the punch
lies here - the world's agenda setters while delivering that kind of
connoisseur's delight also are quick on the follow up - what with those
tongue twisting brands of drugs so speedily churned out to treat
diseases that strike the wheat flour obsessionists with diabetes taking
the lead.
Significantly, the food and drug industries are two major rollicking
income generators. While one creates disease, the other treats and who
keeps these rewarding reservoirs going? - certainly we the world's
populace. We consume what agenda setters generate. Incredible but true,
a sort of thriving on large-scale ignorance.
On the rise is people's big time fancy to munch one thing or another
- mainly savouries and sweets. Not to be overlooked in this is the
alarming rate apart from wheat, the consumption of oil and sugar as
well. In an interview with the Information Technology Institute it was
disclosed sometime back of the inclusion of lin seed in making all kinds
of vegetable oil.
Now, this component according to ITI personnel is used heavily in the
paint industry. I leave it to reader imagination what negative impact it
could have by way of health erosion - the only available alternative
being coconut oil which credentials are intact provided it is made in
one's home. Asking for too much isn't it considering the gymnastics of
daily living? By the way, NERD assuredly was a place manufacturing
coconut milk extracting machines - supposedly out of production now
though started off with a big bang - typical Sri Lankan style of doing
things - but there it is - all fact not faction.
So where do we go from here. Either we build up sufficient emotional
strength to fight the increasing moral degeneration that doesn't care
even a fraction of a tuppence for social well-being or yield to it by
having a go on all of the system's offering in sub standard food only to
find the beneficiaries being big time mudalalis in the medical industry.
Thriving on other's ill-health, riding in chariots, residing in manors
is to their favour and past time.
But my moot point is this. Why wait for some sickness to grip us. The
old adage prevention is better than cure could never be so apt as today.
Incidentally, a widespread contemporary belief runs like this; 'Why
worry, eat as much as you can. There's a drug for every sickness!'
Talking of drugs, it was only the other day over radio I heard a medical
doctor say something stunning. While drugs treat sickness they also
deposit large amounts in the body which in later years gives rise to
other sicknesses despite a certain percentage of its release from body
waste - allopathy's weak point much to Ayurveda's gain.
Resorting to Ayurveda as a last resort is no panacea for all evil -
something akin to asking feathers from a tortoise - for its very nature
being not of instantaneous results but of its practice as a life style
which brings me to square one - a lid on fast food! |