Time to 'think on your feet'
William Berbach has once stated, "The truth isn't the truth until
people believe you, and they can't believe you if they don't know what
you're saying, and they can't know what you're saying if they don't
listen to you, and they won't listen to you if you're not interesting,
and you won't be interesting unless you say things imaginatively,
originally, freshly." This quote expresses the essence of the extreme
need for effective communication and networking, which have become
paramount in today's fast moving society in order to inspire people,
share knowledge and in turn achieve a rapid career growth.
The Gavel Club of the University of Moratuwa which is an affiliate of
Toastmasters International has been in operation within the University,
honing the communication skills of the undergraduates and taking them to
new heights of professionalism. After the completion of two successful
intra-university speech contests, the Gavel Club is heading for
organising 'Think on Your Feet-2007', a workshop for presentation skills
and professional communication skills which will be held on Saturday,
August 18 at the auditorium of the Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Moratuwa.
This fascinating event is organised as a sense of duty that they owe
to the society as a whole, which would unleash the true communication
capabilities of its participants. Just take a look at the world and our
country. Many misinterpretations are made by people and the results can
sometimes be detrimental.
Furthermore, if a person comes up with an innovative piece of work,
he will have to prove himself not only by showing his creation, but
simply by letting an inspiring set of words flow out of his mouth.
Therefore, all of this converges to the simple fact that today's
scientific and economic development would not be cast for the advantage
of the country unless the forerunners of the country as well as every
corporate personality sharpens their skills in expressing themselves
As Martin Luther King has stated, "In the end we are not worried
about the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends".
Therefore it is apparent that the silence of the right people can do
immense harm to the whole world, just as the wrong people who are good
communicators can. As a country we are trapped in the same position for
ages with lack of soft skills of Sri Lankans as one prime factor.
Therefore, the major intentions behind this event are promoting
presentation skills and enhancing professional communication skills of
the participants as well as providing a learning opportunity for Club
members. When it comes to the topic 'communication', it is universal to
Therefore this event will be open for a wide range of professionals
such as managers of organisations, engineers, lecturers, industrial
working teams, teachers and anyone else who are interested who may be
even university students, school prefects or students. An able set of
speakers comprising Niranjan De Silva, a competent toastmaster and CEO
of Metropolitan Computers Pvt. Ltd, M. Z. Saleem, Advanced Toastmaster
Bronze and General Manager of SLT, Dev Wijethunge, Advanced Toastmaster
and professional trainer, and Dian Gomes, Group Director of MAS Holdings
and head of MAS Intimates will be educating the gathering on the topics
'How to do a winning corporate presentation', 'Think differently',
'Communicate with confidence' and 'Leadership and building world class
teams', respectively. The sessions would be interactive sessions, and
the participants would be awarded with a certificate at the end of the
The hereditary fact of being stuck in the same old 'ordinary
communicator' tag has now been stamped out from practice. A new era of
effective communication has begun, and harnessing the power of effective
communication has become yet another target as important as gaining
technical or management expertise. This can range from proving yourself
in an interview to a corporate presentation to inspiring an entire
country on something worthwhile that you truly believe in. Therefore,
spending a bit on such an event would undoubtedly be a worthy investment
for any organisation or individual.
Aravinda Dassanayake