Get ready for
forthcoming O/L exam
Compiled by Panchamee Hewavissenti
Controlling exam fear
Can you remember last week we stopped at focusing on your attention?
Today I'm going to start from that point. Did you try to practise
relaxation exercises? If you have tried, how do you feel now..? any
Well, you have already done a focusing technique. We're now ready to
move on. At this point, it might help if you did some running on the
spot to get yourself back in to an alert and receptive state.
self suggestions
self suggestion is very important, when you prepare for the exam. When
you're relaxed, you will feel that your body has slowed down. Your heart
rate, breathing rate will be slower. Your mind will be less active.
When your mind is quiet and calm, you can make constructive messages
to yourself. Then the messages are received and registered by the mind
and they can affect positively towards your examination preparation and
performance. While you're deeply relaxed, suggest yourself some positive
ideas similar to following, in your own words.
I can relax.
I can control my mind
I can concentrate on my studies
I can perform to the best of my ability.
Come back
to normal
It's not advisable to get rid of your relaxation state at once.
You've to slowly come out of the state. Count slowly from one to five.
Be alert on numbers you're counting. When you said five, slowly open
your eyes and stretch your arms and legs.
Don't get straight up on to your feet. You could become light headed.
How do you
Before you start on your studies, note how you feel, when you're
relaxed. You might feel lethargic. Don't worry take few minutes and
enjoy that relaxed and comfortable feeling.
with exam fear
Exam fear is reported everywhere. It's not only for you, lot of
people undergo that furious sensation.
The world is increasingly competitive. If you don't have higher
academic qualifications, you will probably be unable to get a good job
or recognition. So, you have to take the responsibility of your
education, because that will pave the path to your future.
Most students face exams with high pressure to perform well. Some
students have shown high level of exam fear even though they have been
well prepared. Some students are very bright and conscientious. They
have their notes clearly and fully. But when they walk in to the exam
room they start feeling ill.
rid of fear
By practising your relaxation response, you can develop a strong
relaxation effect which will reduce your exam fear.
In order to experience some indication of what anxiety and fear in
the exam room can be like, ask one of your friends to read the following
to you, or record it on your own and listen to it. Try imagine your self
at the examination centre as clearly as possible.
You're in
the exam room
You've just arrived for your most difficult exam. You can see other
students flicking through their notes and chatting nervously. A
classmate asks you "Did you study that particular chapter our lecturer
asked us to practice well?" Your mind suddenly goes in to overdrive.
"Have I over looked that reading? what if there're questions on it in
the exam? whose notes can I borrow to have a quick browse?
Just as you're scanning the crowd, students are coming in. You enter
the room, still thinking of that particular chapter what your friend
told of and the possibility of a related exam question. The supervisor
announces, " Do not open your examination booklet until instructed to do
You arrange the pens on the desk top and read the nonsense written on
the desk. You look up nervously and see if supervisors are walking
hither and thither in the exam room. Not a single sound, not a single
smile. The supervisor announces, " You have three hours to complete this
examination, Open your exam booklet and begin".
Having imagined yourself in the examination room, take note of your
heart beat and breathing rate...
Above imagination will help to reduce anxiety experienced in exam.
It'll help to overcome the nervousness.
during examination
For students who habitually have problems with strong fear in exams,
there are many advantages in being able to relax quickly, even during
the exam.
What are the benefits of being relaxed during the exam
There are many reasons, one is you can be more comfortable. Two you
can prevent muscle cramps. Three working with a relatively relaxed mind
will promote more flexibility in thinking. You'll be able to bend and
flex your memory to its maximum, but still keep your mental systems
How to
Periodically, close your eyes and take a comfortably deep breath and
then let the air out, slowly and quietly. As you breathe out, say "
relax" to yourself and feel the tension flowing out of your body.
While relaxing during the deep breath, allow your arms and hands to
dangle at your sides. Feel the warmth from your blood flow in to your
hands. Imagine the tension flowing out through your fingertips.
Flex and relax your finger muscles several times to promote blood
Change your body position slightly to allow more blood flow to your
thighs, buttocks and back. Make the movements slowly and gently so as
not to disturb your neighbours.
your arms, legs and back.
Take another slow and deep breath and say "relax" as you breathe out
and then return to your work on the examination.
The entire process of breathing, dangling, flexing, changing,
stretching and breathing again can be done in about 30 seconds or less.
The benefits to be derived from the periodic relaxation break makes
the time investment very worthwhile. In order to experience the feel of
the process, why not try the steps right now? Don't you know practice is
the key to better performance......
to be continued... |