Radhika & Jayantha promotes the anti-Sri Lankan R2P
After plugging Jaffna-centric politics from its inception, after
mobilizing the international network of NGOs to pressure the Government
of Sri Lanka to bow down to the will of the mono-ethnic extremism of the
North, after reinforcing ethnic prejudices and exacerbating the ethnic
enmities through imported ideological concepts of the West, the
International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES) is now focusing
aggressively on its new agenda of pushing the controversial Right to
Protect (R2P). This new campaign began with ICES inviting Gareth Evans,
head of the International Crisis Centre, to deliver a craftily
calculated lecture on R2P.
It is not a coincidence that Gareth Evans, a close ally of Ms.
Radhika Coomaraswamy, the former head of ICES, came at a time when the
Sri Lankan security forces were advancing towards the heart of the Tiger
Terroristan in the east and the north.
Evans' lecture was politically angled to threaten Sri Lanka to halt
the current offensive against the Tigers. In short, Evans was brought by
ICES to tell the Government of Sri Lanka that there are provisions in
international law (example: R2P)to intervene if the Security Forces
advanced too close to crush the Tigers.
Parenthetically, it is necessary to emphasize that the ICES was
fathered by Neelan Tiruchelvam and mothered by Radhika. Jointly, they
produced a political child and named it the ICES - the Incestuous Cabal
for Ethnic Separatism. Their ideological love affair to bring up this
anti-Sinhala-Buddhist child can be seen in the politicised literature
they produced, packaged, of course, as "research".
It could not have been any kind of objective research because the
father of ICES was also the committed ideologue of the Tamil United
Liberation Front, wearing two hats, one as the head of the ICES and the
other as a TULF Member of Parliament.
The TULF, it will be remembered, was the key political force that
exerted pressure and manipulated India to intervene militarily in Sri
Lanka. Now that Neelan is no longer among the living, the mother of
ICES, Radhika, is exploiting her strategic position in the UN to push
the international community to intervene under the cover of R2P. The
ICES, it must be conceded, has a penchant for doing things legally, even
when Radhika re-enacts the role of Madame Defarge knitting her plots at
the UN whilst watching the heads of Tamils rolling off the efficient
guillotine of Prabhakaran.
Jayantha Dhanapala, is the latest recruit to this campaign. He
delivered his lecture at the ICES echoing the same threat as Evans. Like
Radhika he used the Sri Lankan ladder to climb the international heights
and not surprisingly, like Radhika, is kicking it all in the name of
international law and the need to help the helpless.
In hindsight, Dhanapala's defeat in the race to grab the
Secretary-General's post at the UN could be read as a positive outcome
for Sri Lanka because he would have used his position as
Secretary-General to impose R2P on his motherland just to boost his
image as an international bureaucrat who is committed to honour the law,
particularly the law laid down by the powers that can extend his career
into a second term. India did the right thing in putting up a rival
candidate because Jayantha has proved to be anti-Asian and pro-West as
seen in his pretensions to maintain a disarming (pun intended) balance
particularly in relation to India's nuclear programme.
On top of this comes the latest report that Radhika Coomaraswamy is
heading towards Melbourne to 'reflect on the "responsibility to protect"
with particular reference to women and children,' says the blurb of the
Christian World Service - the international humanitarian and development
agency of the National Council of Churches in Australia, a prominent
lobby group for Tiger politics, and sections of the Melbourne University
sponsoring the 2007 Chancellor's Human Rights lecture.
She is billed to ask: "Who is responsible for protecting women and
children?" Predictably, Radhika will be presenting a variation of Evans'
R2P theme to argue that it is the state of Sri Lanka and if the state
fails then the opportunistic and self-serving body known as the
international community should take over the responsibility. Like all UN
proclamations, R2P is aimed at achieving commendable goals, though the
UN itself has repeatedly evaded its responsibilities and is guilty of
not giving protection to those who need it at the time they needed it.
However, what is disturbing is the way R2P is politically manipulated
by ICES and whipped up at this critical juncture to tie the hands of
Government of Sri Lanka.
Guru and predecessor
This, of course, has been the main objective of the foreign-funded
NGOs, starting from Radhika's guru and predecessor, the late Neelan
Tiruchelvam, the smooth Tamil ideologue who had specialised in promoting
the feudal and colonial privileges of the Jaffna Tamils in the guise of
minority rights. Tiruchelvam gave the lead to institutionalise and
manipulate rights issues globally to advance Jaffna-centric politics. No
other community had cultivated the skills and organised institutional
networks to exploit the international potential and resources as a means
to advance their ethnic political goals. R2P is the latest manoeuvre of
the ICES to use the international community to provide protection not to
human rights but to the notorious violators of human rights - the Tigers
facing defeat.
In all their political endeavours they have wrapped their mono-ethnic
extremism as just causes based on international law and rights. In the
process rights issues have leapt to the forefront not because of the
intrinsic values inherent in rights but because they have been
politicised perversely to further agendas of one armed group.
The latest is the Right to Protection which Radhika Coomaraswamy
hopes to exploit by making a song and dance about it in international
fora. But they have failed to make a case for it. Even Gareth Evans says
that the situation in Sri Lanka does not warrant R2P action though,
according to his tea-leaf predictions, it has the potential to
deteriorate to that level.
Evans admits that Sri Lanka is neither Rwanda nor Kosovo. If so what
is all this fuss about applying R2P to Sri Lanka arbitrarily? It should
be noted that any move by the international community to intervene in
Sri Lanka without the consent of the people is arbitrary. Nor is there
universally accepted criteria by which these self-appointed do-gooders
have a right intervene in the manner they choose to act at any given
time. Quite rightly, Prof. G. L. Peiris took on Jayantha Dhanapala, the
defeated candidate for the UN Secretary-Generalship, and debunked his
contention that the international community has a right to invoke R2P
and apply it on criteria they choose. Dhanapala, like Evans, has a hard
time in convincing that there is a case for R2P military intervention in
Sri Lanka. Nevertheless, they were issuing warnings that there could
come a time when R2P should be applied, with the consent of Security
Council. It is clear that both Dhanapala and Evans were barking up the
wrong tree.
If they had read critically and objectively the Outcome Document
which refers to R2P and grasped its implications they would not be
issuing warnings to the state of Sri Lanka. Instead they should, in
accordance with 138 of the Outcome Document, "help and encourage the
state" (of Sri Lanka)"to protect its people from genocide, war crimes,
ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity" committed with impunity by
the Tigers.
Evans can be excused for interpreting Sri Lankan issues in his own
fanciful way because he possibly cannot know as much Dhanapala on the
Sri Lankan situation.
Consequently, Dhanapala has no excuse to follow Evans as if he is an
obedient and well-trained pup. He knows that the state of Sri Lanka has,
according to R2P, the "responsibility to protect populations from
genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity" -
most of which have been committed by the Tigers. He should also know
that the Sri Lankan government's violations arise primarily from acts to
contain or prevent the Tiger terror. He will probably agree that the Sri
Lankan forces commit collateral damage in a complex process of trying to
eliminate the primary cause of violations of human rights rooted in the
Vanni. Unlike the Tigers it is not launching military operations to
deliberately target civilians. Even the American Ambassador concedes
that in any war collateral damage is inevitable in a any democratic
state engaged in restoring democracy, law and order.
This raises some fundamental issues: Against whom must Evans and
Dhanapala invoke R2P? If, according to 138 of the Outcome Document, it
is the responsibility of the state of Sri Lanka "to protect its
populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes
against humanity" committed by the Tiger terrorists then why is
Dhanapala dancing the jig with Evans to use it against the state of Sri
Lanka? And if "the international community should, as appropriate,
encourage and help states to exercise this responsibility" why is
Dhanapala warning the Sri Lankan state instead of helping it to carry
out its responsibility through military interventions to eliminate these
political criminals?
Besides, the Outcome Document envisages military intervention by the
international community if the state fails. First, there is no evidence
that the Sri Lankan state has failed to combat the sub-human violence of
the Tigers whose crimes cannot be stopped by offering flowers picked
from the garden of UN or even a reasonable dialogue. Second, there is an
assumption that the military intervention of the international community
is superior in moral and physical terms to that of the state engaged in
protecting its people from inhuman violence of terrorists. Since
intervention as a last resort involves a military engagement those who
invoke R2P have to first establish that military intervention by the
international community is going to be superior and/or more humane than
that of the Sri Lankan state.
In what respect, therefore, is the military intervention of the NATO
forces in Kosovo, or the US forces in Vietnam or Iraq or even the
Indians in the north and east superior to that of the Sri Lankans?
In fact, the entire case for R2P in Sri Lanka has been negated by the
Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) operations in the north and the east.
IPKF adventure represents the R2P principles in its entirety. They first
dropped lentils (parippu) over Jaffna and then moved in ostensibly to
protect the Tamil people on "humanitarian grounds".
It began well with the local peace merchants hailing it as the best
means of achieving peace and producing a fair deal to the Tamils. But
how did it end? Even the Tamils of Jaffna went against the Indian R2P.
With the available historical evidence running against R2P intervention
on what basis can Dhanapala argue for R2P intervention by his masters in
the West?
Dhanapala is normally not known for advocating such inane
absurdities. But ever since he authored the NGO-backed P-Toms, handing
over the administration of the north and the east to the Tigers, he has
been playing the lead role in the theatre of the absurd. Besides, with
his international experience he should know that the international
community has no magic formula to intervene and resolve the complex Sri
Lankan crisis. Invariably, interventions whether under UN auspices or
not, have been disastrous as seen in the naval cordon thrown round Iraq
to prevent food, medical and other essentials getting into Iraq.
UNICEF figures state that 500,000 children died because of this. Why
didn't Dhanapala, who knew the Iraqi situation so intimately, invoke R2P
against the USA leading the UN forces that killed 500,000 innocent
Theoretical cant
In any case, neither Dhanapala nor Evans can guarantee that
international intervention under R2P is going to be more effective and
capable or resolving intra-state conflicts than the military operations
run by democratic states. Since they assume the role of pundits who have
the answers to the Sri Lankan crisis Dhanapala and Evans have to answer
a simple question: 1)Can they guarantee that R2P intervention can work
when the Indian R2P solution implemented under IPKF protection and later
the Ceasefire Agreement with its international "safety net" failed to
resolve the crisis? Dhanapala has also to answer a separate question: Is
this his underhand ploy to foist P-TOMS on the Sinhalese, Muslims and
the Tamils who have rejected his political solution?
Both Evans and Dhanapala are running against historical and
prevailing realities.
Both must drop their theoretical cant and face the hard realities in
Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka does not need another blood bath with majority and
minority communities rebelling against the weird theories of Dhanapala
and Evans.
Clearly, there is a case for the Sri Lankan state to be given the
first priority to protect its populations. But both of them assume that
(1) the Sri Lankan state is incapable of handling these gross violations
of humanitarian laws and (2) only the international community has the
competency and the authority to intervene.
Their pronouncement is a finger-pointing exercise at the Sri Lankan
state and not aimed at helping the state to contain the violations of
the human rights committed by the Tiger terrorists. Evans' view
concludes rightly that the Sri Lankan state is not a replica of the Pol
Potists regime. But his blinkers do not permit him to see the Pol Potist
regime (New York Times) in the Vanni. His argument for intervention
under R2P is tantamount to accusing the Sri Lankan state as the Pol
Potitst regime and not the one in the Vanni. In essence, if they are
serious about R2P, it is the duty of Evans and Dhanapala to jointly
issue a statement endorsing the action of the Sri Lankan state to
eliminate the one-man, fascist state in the Vanni.
Instead they have opted to restrain the Sri Lankan government which
is acting according to the R2P. And the Sri Lankan public is expected to
take their pronouncements lying down, praising them as the messiahs with
the magic wand of R2P as the only solution to he state battling the
terror of the intransigent Tigers.
These self-proclaimed pundits also pretend that the beneficiaries are
the Sri Lankans if they are allowed to R2P when in reality they are
serving the vested interests of their masters. Prof. G. L. Peiris has
focused on this aspect in his essay on "Human Rights, Sri Lanka and the
international community" (Sunday Observer, Nov. 4, 2007). In arguing
against the legal validity and the morality of the R2P, as laid down by
Evans, he says: "The plea by Evans that the beneficiaries of the
doctrine are 'not prospective interveners" but those needing support"
carries no conviction. It is all too probable that the reasoning which
seeks to fortify the doctrine will, for all intents and purposes, be of
avail only as a pretext for self-serving action intended to protect not
oppressed populations but vested interests."
Perhaps, more than Evans, Dhanapala is making a vain bid to pull wool
over the eyes of the public as he did in the case of promoting the
ill-fated P-TOMS. It is unbecoming of a man of his stature to indulge in
such unethical practices. Of course, coming from the UN where the
reporting mechanism is overloaded with cooked up evidence it is not
surprising to find Dhanapala going down the tracks of Colin Powell,
Richard Butler and the rest of the mob at UN producing doctored reports
to push their preferred political line.
More than Evans, Dhanapala, being a Sri Lankan, has a duty to protect
the people of Sri Lanka. He should know that like his P-TOMS the R2P is
not going to salvage Sri Lanka.
It is shy-making when he acts like "Mut"-suura siding with the Voice
of Tigers knowing that it is an agent of Tiger terrorism. Sri Lankans
who have respected him expect something better than R2P from him. Hope
he lives up to that expectation.
Merry Christmas, Jayantha and Radhika! Hope you both will come down
the Sri Lankan chimney with goodies far better than fake R2Ps which will
never work. |