No more dreams of butterflies
Today's children have no time to enjoy their
"Nowadays children do not have time to enjoy
their childhood" we have often heard our elders say, but no one is
bothered to correct the system. "You can often see grandmothers
dragging their grandchildren to pre-schools, saying that "Ape kale
nam mehema naha." (during our days it was not like this). But I did
not allow my daughter to admit her son to a pre-school till he is
five" said a retired school teacher who genuinely worries about the
present day children who are deprived of their childhood.
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Shopping: Nothing can prevent it
Even after facing the cruel blast that took place at Nugegoda, many
are still looking forward to shopping for the forth coming festive
season. Attractive items including alluring clothes, cosmetics,
household pieces and so on which are on racks and shelves in super
shopping malls catch our heart.
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