GCE O/L - New syllabus
English Literature made easy - Poetry
Let life go on
by Suresh Canagarajah:
In this poem "Let Life go on", the poet, Suresh Canagarajah has tried
to reveal the fact that residents in Jaffna live amidst uncertainity,
amidst horrible events, mayhem and fear. Doubt and curiosity reigning
throughout the effect of the separatist war.
The "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam" waging war against the
government of Sri Lanka resulting in ruining the lives of not only
Tigers but that of the innocent civilians striving to live in peace.
"The Ghost Town Empties of People" with only dead bodies of Children,
women and men. Though the bullets were aimed at the Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Elam, may be unintentionally.
The innocent victims too are treated as terrosrists of Tamil Elam.
The symbolic sixty one hour curfew imposed by the government seems to be
a pathelic situation for the civilians. There's sarcasm when the poet
hints about the way the news are broadcast.
"Only the bullet ridden bodies remain
A school girl and an old man
terrorists in tomorrow' news cast!
The scenario created is rather critical as the innocents too appear
as members of the terrorist group. The ordinary people "mustering enough
spirit for the struggle to preserve sanity in their solitary gloomy
The poet seems to unveil the fact that the Sri Lankan military group
considering all people as terrorists ignoring the descrepancy between
the two parties.
"As their ears strain to catch the boot-step that come to bundle them
into trucks And dump them for lifetime into cells"
The poet has tried to implore that the Sri Lanka military has
stressed the fact that war is such that it affects all irrespective of
age, health or status.
In the second verse the poet describes how "the Dusk descends on
Jaffna" and touches upon the surprising situation of a single house in a
"narrow alley" decorated with bright lights and balloons for an infant's
birthday. The elders getting concerned and excited about the critical
situation reigning in Jaffna while
"the child brims over with laughter
Proud, are you, of completing
one full mile on a risky road"
Life ahead of the little child is not on an easy road. It's going to
be hard and rough. Though he has covered one mile on the 'risky road',
the hardest is ahead suspecting the obstacles ahead is the concern of
the elders.
The contrasting feelings of the child innocent and ignorant of the
situation prevailing and the hidden fear in the hearts of the adult
folk, is exquisitely expressed by the poet. He tries to prevent the
ordinary people existing with clouds of fear and suspense hovering over
The simple diction style used by the poet appeals to the reader
inculcating in the mind of the reader the tremendous situation reigning
in Jaffna, uncertain and fearful.
"As bombs burst in the background
the crowd rush indoors
for the sixty one hour curfew
mustering enough spirit"
uncertainty and fear" being inculcated in the hearts of the people in
war torn areas and even in the heart of the reader.
The poet lavishly comes to the conclusion that life has to go on
inspite of horror and mayhem saving the reader from being exposure to
"Let life go on
Whatever be the odds
Let life go on
Mrs. C. Ekanayake, Retd. Specialist Teacher Eng. |