BoC launches VeriSign Identity Protection Services
The Bank of Ceylon (BoC), the premier State bank in the country
launched the VeriSign Identity Protection Services (VIP) to strengthen
the authentication of the bank's internet banking facility for its
The BoC introduced the advanced identity protection services to lead
the country's banking sector to counter internet Identity theft,
phishing and on-line financial fraud. Head of IT, BoC, Nissanka
Jayaratne said due to the increase in global internet identity theft
phishing and on-line financial fraud institutions are compelled to
deploy authentication for consumers.
Global companies are losing billions of rupees annually due to
inefficient identity protection systems. As a result of brand
deterioration consumer confidence in on-line banking has eroded over the
years. According to banking research in the US, consumers using tokens
prefer to transact more than those who use only the password and user
name. The US government will make the use of the second factor
identification for on-line banking compulsory next year.
The BoC will initially provide the security solution to high
net-worth internet banking customers. Strong authentication techniques
will help to reduce fraud.
BoC customers can use a single security token to authenticate
themselves across any VIP enabled on-line commerce website including
leading sites such as eBay and PayPal. Customers who have already
received a security token from such sites can use the bank's internet
banking facility.
VeriSign has provided authentication services to over 500,000
websites, 40 of the world's largest banks and 47 of the top 50
e-commerce sites.
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