Silver Springs bottled water
Pership Integrated Solutions Ltd., the strategic business unit of the
Pership Group launched its bottled water product Silver Springs. The
bottles which are marketed in a range from 500ml - 5,000ml meets
international standards.
General Manager, Pership Intergraded Solutions, Shane Van Eyck said
the company manufactures its products under stringent measures for
bottling, packaging and delivering. Natural mineral water products
should comply with the European directive.
According to the American and European Regional Codex Standard water
should be obtained from natural or drilled sources and it should ensure
bacteriological purity. "The ultra filtration method purifies water from
bacteria, viruses and particles. It is packed in carton or polythene
bottles according to customer needs ensuring quality and safety of the
products", Van Eyck said.
Silver Springs products are registered under the Food Act. The
company manufactures its products in Kandy.
The Pership Group was set up in 1889. |