Dreams that are sweet and sour
by Panchamee Hewavissenti
Dreams do come in sleep.
We're always fascinated by dreams. No one has up to date been able to
find out what really happens to us when we're asleep and dreaming. It's
a phenomena that we always wonder.
can't be scientifically proved exactly what we see in our dreams.
Because we are at times unable to recount our dream exactly and the
manner it occurred in slumber. Poets and philosophers have described
them either as romantic fantasies or as manifestations of the dark side
of the human life.
If you're a healthy person you should dream. Whatever the dream may
be, you might dream about your past already gone and done with. Also,
present day to day life events. Sometimes you dream about things which
are yet to come by. Most often you may see dreams associated with your
day to day life events.
What you did in the afternoon might be seen in the night's dream in a
different way. Because, we have a need to make sense of our world, even
while asleep, away from environment. Brain takes those chaotic memories
and weaves them into a logical story line, filling the gaps to produce a
rational scenario.
When you have surmises, they might come out in the form of dreams. If
you doubt about something or someone you may find them in dreams. You
could see things that are quite unlikely to happen in real, such as you
fly in the high sky, diving in the very deep sea with sharks, etc.
Dreams are seen consistent with everyday living. They represent key
concerns, growing out of our daily experiences. We as human beings who
are sensitive to outward environmental stimuli, always dream.
Basically there're three types of dreams. Pleasant dreams, unpleasant
dreams and neither pleasant nor unpleasant or chaotic dreams. There're
dreams which we like to see. Those are entirely based on our "dreams" in
Which we feel like what we would be getting a promotion, winning the
person's heart that we have a crush on. Those are less possible to
happen in real life as they are. So when we are asleep we enjoy seeing
our desires. It will keep us alive the following day.
Unpleasant dreams effect us other way round. When we get scared in
our dreams, the ghostly apparition of the dream will remain with us
throughout the day.
are different from ordinary dreams. These kind of dreams result in when
a person is in panic and fear. Those events in a dream bring about
horror and trepidation. Nightmares are typically frightening dreams.
Perhaps these can occur fairly often.
Some one sees this kind of dreams when that person is frightening or
worrying something grave happen to him. When a person expects some ill
fortune happen to him say, for example, when a student is to sit for an
exam, nightmares may occur chilling him down.
Do dreams represent a fulfilment of
unconscious wishes?
Sigmon Freud proposed that dreams represent unconscious wishes that
dreamers wish to see fulfilled. However, because these wishes are
threatening to the dreamer's conscious awareness, the actual wishes are
disguised. The true subject and meaning of a dream then may have little
to do with its clear story line.
Where as more complex dreams can often be interpreted in terms of
everyday concerns and stress, depression, despair. We see in our dreams
fears, emotions and concerns.
The scientific basis of dreaming
Some scientists prove that it's a byproduct of fundamental biological
activity. Brain produces random electrical energy during deep sleep due
to changes in the production of particular chemicals in the brain. This
electrical energy randomly stimulates memories lodged in various
portions of the brain.
Recent researchers proved, suggesting that certain dreams permit
people to focus on and consolidate memories, particularly those
pertaining to how to do it. Dreaming may play a role in helping us to
remember material to which we have been previously exposed.
Another theory suggests dreams permit information that's critical for
our daily survival to be reconsidered and reprocessed during sleep.
Dreaming is seen as an inheritance from our ancestors. Some believe that
dreams have meaning.
They represent concerns about our daily lives, illustrating
uncertainties, indecision, ideas and desires. Dreaming may play a role
in helping us to remember material to which we have been previously
However, the specific content of our dream is unique to us. Dreams
may provide clues about experiences that at some level of consciousness
are most important to us.
It's hitherto unsolved why we dream. Some people think that dreams
have no meaning whatsoever. Instead they represent a kind of reverse
learning in which we flush away unnecessary information that we have
accumulated during the day. Dreams are a kind of mental house cleaning
of the brain but have no meaning.
When you go to sleep tonight, just try to recount the following day
what you saw in the dream previous night. |