Move to protect coconut trees
by Imantha Caldera
The Government has planned to introduce a new Bill to stop felling of
coconut trees on lands less than five acres in extent. In the event a
coconut tree has to be cut, a tax of Rs. 3 lakhs will be levied. If a
coconut tree is in a dangerous place, and needs to be cut, a team will
have to inspect it headed by the District Secretary who will issue a
permit accordingly.
According to a survey conducted by the Coconut Development Authority,
over 1,275,000 coconut trees have been felled within 10 years and no
arrangements have been made for replanting. About 4,027 million coconuts
are required for consumption annually.
However, last year, a target of 2,990 million coconuts was achieved.
Seventy per cent of the coconut crop is used annually for local
The remaining 30 per cent is used for related products earning Rs. 23
billion in foreign exchange annually. About 35 per cent of the produce
goes waste from local consumption and this amounts to 500 million nuts.
Minister of Plantation Industries D. M. Jayaratne said, "since the
percentage of cultivation is low, cultivation will be stepped up under
the National Coconut Cultivation Project Program, and we have targeted
to plant 10 million seedlings". |