National Civilian Bravery Awards 2008
Applications are invited by the Foundation for Civilian Bravery for
the following Awards for selfless acts of saving others. The
applications will be evaluated by a distinguished panel of judges.
1. Lord Budal Gold Medal (Gold Medal for Civilian Bravery)
This award will be presented to a citizen who, voluntarily
disregarding risk to his or her own life, displays courage in saving or
attempting to save another whose life is in imminent danger of being
lost, such as by fire, flood, mine accident, or like disaster.
2. Silver Medals of Civilian Bravery
Citizens whose acts, even though not equal to the heroic act of the
recipient of the Lord Budal Gold Medal, fall within the description in
the above paragraph are eligible to be awarded the Silver Medals of
Civilian Bravery.
General conditions
1. Applications will be received until 29 February 2008.
2. The period applicable for the heroic acts is 01 January 2007 to 31
December 2007.
3. Information may be forwarded by the candidate or by another on
behalf of the candidate.
4. The applicant is responsible for providing proof of the veracity
of the rescue under consideration.
5. The past recipients of Gold and Silver Medals of Civilian Bravery
are not eligible to apply.
6. The decision of the panel of judges for selection shall be final.
Applications are available from:
Kasun P Chandraratne,President,Foundation for Civilian Bravery,137 A,
Siri Siddaththarama Road,Walana, Panadura.
Telephone: 0385670050