His poetry woke up the Nation
The 57th commemoration of a freedom fighter Ven. S.
Mahinda Thera of Tibet, falls today:
by Ven. Handugala Rathanapala Thera

Ven. S. Mahinda Thera
A ceremony organised by the National Bhikkhu Front in this regard
will be held today at 2 p.m. at the YMBA Borella.
Ven. S. Mahinda Thera was in fact more Sri Lankan than the Sri Lankan
themselves. It is because he outstripped the Sri Lankans in his
relentless efforts to enliven patriotism, national pride, equality and
national independence.
The learned Thera himself was a rich source for the future bhikkhus
in their fight for national priorities. The native bhikkhus were in the
forefront in the struggle against foreign domination led by our
forefathers for nearly a millennium since the collapse of Anuradhapura
Kingdom in 1017 AD.
This contemporaries had to play the second fiddle when he took the
vanguard as an 'outsider' to fight the reactionary forces. His only
connection with Sri Lanka was that he was a Buddhist, a kinsman of the
Sri Lankan Buddhists!
An outstanding quality of his life was that he never tolerated
foreign domination wherever it was and as such fought mercilessly
against slavery and invertebrate behaviour.
Arrived in Sri Lanka in 1912, at the age of 12 he entered the
Buddhist Order at the famous Polgasduwa temple. At the time of his
arrival the British empire had imposed its will upon the country. No
significant struggle was led against the British authorities after the
failed Matale rebellion of 1848.
The Sinhala chiefs began to collaborate with the colonial masters. A
slavish mindset began to replace the rebellions spirit of the Sinhala
Neo colonialism had begun to extend its tentacles through the
language, economy, culture, politics etc. This prompted the learned
Thera to "Create" a new man who loves his motherland more than anything
He used his inborn poetic talent to the best of his ability to give
life to his new creation! The Thera exhorted the Sri Lankans to rise up
from their slumber and fight the British to regain the lost freedom.
His writings, both prose & verse appealed to the hearts of the young
& old, men & women alike.
This lovely crusade had its share in the triumph of the patriotic
forces. Though 57 years have passed since his demise, his immortal
spirit still lives amongst us.
We would be certainly paying our highest tribute to the late S.
Mahinda Thera at his 57th death anniversary if we elect ourselves to
resume his anti-imperialist sentiments to safeguard our national
Following are some of his patriotic poems.
* Nidahasa Maha Muhudak ve
Ehi Ulpata Puta numba ve
Ebawa Sihikota Melove
Yutukama Itukalayutu ve,
If the ocean is the freedom, its fountain is the baby in the cradle.
When the son is told that it is his responsibility to protect the
motherland from various challenges, the motherly lover affection also
flow along with it.
* Taman Labu Divipevete
Kotasak Rata samaya vete
Puda nokaloth Numben pute
Melowata Kisi Vedak nete, As a part of your life, if you don't share
the fight to depend your country, you will no doubt become a useless
* Jatiya Me Vipatinne
Sinhala Rata Galawanne
Kohoma Yanu Sitaminne
Mage Puta Nidiyanne
While sleeping my son is thinking as to how the Sinhala country could
be delivered from the national tragedy.
* Kesgaha Pava Vena Ratawala Minisunne
Us Nidehasa pinisa Satanata Sarasenne
Hismola Tibeddith Megena Nositanne
Esgedi Dekata Hena Wedilada Minisunne
In other countries ordinary people fight for national freedom, but
people who have an understanding of the problem keep mum!
* Mona Karumayada Tawa Aherunu Bawak Neta
Pena Pena Biyawa Muluwedumen Palak Neta
Dinumath Peradumath Kokath Kamak Neta
Enu Idiriyata Netahoth Nidahasak Neta
What is misfortune that people are still in deep slumber. There is no
point in seeking refuge elsewhere by being a coward. Accept both triumph
and defeat and pursue the struggle, otherwise there will not be freedom.
* Satan Bimata Nogosin Boru Biyen Bandi
Sitinnemuda kavadath Mulu Walata Vadi
Pitin Vadina Maru Paharata Papuva Nodi
Katin Jati Alaya Kivvata Madi
Merely talking patriotism won't help! Go to the battlefield and fight
the (enemy)
* Ustan Kapa Adumititan Piraveema
Usmiti Dekama Vandakota Sama Karaleema
Usmanudamaki Gatiyaki Yana Pavaseema
Ushandanaga Salakav Hematanadima
A careless and an equal society is necessary to realise the social
freedom. Get together and work for the common interests disowning
personal gains.
* Katath Himi Podude Nam
Natibari Hinga Avahirakam
Me de Madagena Daskam
Pema Tamai Suru Viru Kam
Don't express inability! Surmount the difficulties and march forward
to defend the country from the (enemy)