Love Forever Spoken
Anuki’s Diary
The three parts of loving one another:
There are three parts of the love we should share with one another.
Kindness, encouragement and challenges. Only the mind and heart of love
know when each is needed by the loved. These three parts of love seem in
general help to build a relationship stronger.
If one needs to love your partner effectively, one must first of all
make it clear to your partner that you care, that you are in their side
always. Let he or she know that you are committed just ‘for him or her’.
This is the message of kindness. Once this is established one must go
on to encourage your partner to believe in theirselves. Letting your
partner lean on is to keep making them weak or dependent. Partner should
urge them to think and choose their likings.
This is the task of encouragement. And finally after kindness and
encouragement have been successfully offered, one must challenge the
partner to put their goodness and giftedness to work.
“Go ahead do it” is the moment of challenge. Love is an art. In
science as in recipes, there are exact measures and careful directions
for procedure. But not so in love. One must artfully decide when it is
time for kindness, encouragement or when the person you love is ready
for challenges.
There are no manuals, instructions, no certain answers, only one has
to make the best judgement. At times one might misfire the judgement.
But lover can always apologize for their failures. The other partner
should accept the good intensions, even when judgement has been poor.
Love lines

Earth may not touch the sky
Even she long it for ages,
Valley will not reach the top of the mountain
Even she desired it for decades,
Stars have not got the shine
Even she stares at the moon for years,
Mist never meets the morning sun
Even she dares it every morning,
So as my love for him....
Love is a feeling
That enters a heart,
It stays there forever
If you give a good start,
If you practise it,
Share it,
Show it,
You’ll be smart
As love in one’s life
Will be the greatest pleasure.
-Devakanthi Fernando
Name: Nalin Perera
What are your passions in life? Myself, then I can love the rest of
the world.
Some people have all the love luck. How can a person be more lucky in
love? I and my wife always had love and luck from the start. It is the
wishes that you make in a good heart which comes in a person’s life in a
unexpected moment as luck. What do you think are the chief ingredients
of a happy relationship? Understanding, attraction towards each other
and care.
How should a guy reject a girl without hurting her feelings too much?
Well, I once had an affair with a girl who was one year older to me. Our
parents didn’t agree with this relationship and they thought it would
end up in a disaster. I and my girlfriend was helpless and all what we
did was discussing about it and crying as much as possible to wash away
the pain.
But, today we still remain as good friends. It’s hard to reject
anyone without hurting but as long as you don’t purposely do it and
discuss with that person it will help both parties to get over with it.
What are the secrets of a blissful relationship? Faith, understanding
and a good passionate relationship.
What is the best way for a guy to win the heart of a girl? Look into
her eyes and read them.
What’s your advice for singles? ‘Think before you jump’.
What is your definition of a good lover? He or she should have a good
partner, then the definition would come across.
Any final word for lovers? In the presence of love even I’m still
learning, I think it will always be the same with all lovers. Because in
true love the best share is yet to come. |