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DateLine Sunday, 16 March 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

SMS fantasia

U must b a good runner coz u r
always running in ma mind,
U must b a good thief
coz u have stolen ma heart,
and i'm always a bad shooter
coz I Miss You Always...

Friendship is like a glass
handle it with care
coz once broken cannot b mended
and even if mended....
a crack is always there !!!

When Nights r long & Friends r few,
I sit by ma Window & think of u.
a silent whisper a silent tear.
with all ma Heart i wish u were here.

When i open ma eyes every morning i pray 2 God
that every 1 should have a friend like u....
Why should only i suffer!!!

When the time comes 4 u 2 give ur heart 2 some1, make
sure that u select som1 who will never break your heart coz broken
hearts have no spare parts.

Most people walk in and out of ur life,
but only FRIENDS leave footprints in ur heart.

Good FRIENDS r hard 2 find,
harder 2 leave,and impossible 2 forget.

DON'T frown. U never know who is falling in love with your smile

When it hurts 2 look back,
and u r scared 2 look ahead,
u can look beside u
and ur best friend will b there

When u feel sad....
2 cheer up just go 2 the mirror and say,
"damn I'm really so cute" u will overcome your sadness.
But don't make this a habit.....
Coz liars go to hell !!!!

1 day Love and Friendship met.
Love asked-when i already exist why r u here?
friendship replied " 2 make faces smile when u leave the tears!!!"
Friendship is the best thing in the world as there is no scope for
tears if ur friend is good.

If u love someone, put their names in a circle,
instead of a heart, coz hearts can break,
but circles go on forever

If all ma friends were to jump off a bridge,
I wouldn't jump with them, I'd be @ the bottom to catch them.

2 handle urself, use ur head;
2 handle others, use ur heart.

Smile a while and while u smile,
smile another smile and soon there will b miles
and miles of smile just because u smiled,
i wish your day is full of SMILE

Hi i'm marrying next week
there will b a small party and
only few persons will b invited
Hey don't bring any gift
just bring SOME1 to marry me.....

A good Friend is like a computer
he ENTERS in ur life
SAVES himself in ur heart,
FORMATS all ur troubles
and never DELETE u from his heart.

a friend is sweet when it is new...
it is sweeter when it is true....
but u know that.....
it is the sweetest when it is u..."

Mountain can fly,
river can dry
u can forget me but never can i

destiny decides who u meet in life
but it's only ur heart that can decide
whos gonna stay in ur life.....

Have a heart that never hardens
have a smile that never fades
have a touch that never burnt
and have friendship that never breaks.

If u drop me i'll break,
if u hold me i'll shake,
if u need me i'll hurry,
if u don't call me i'll worry
if u hurt me i'll cry
but if u leave me i'll die.

Kind, intelligent, loving and hot
This describes everything u r not

I saw ur face as u walked by
but then I saw a better guy

I c ur face when I'm dreaming
That's y I always wake up screaming

my feelings 4 u no words can tell
Except 4 maybe "go 2 hell"

Of loving beauty u float with grace
If only u could hide ur face

If u r a chocolate u r the SWEETEST,
If u r a teddy bear u r the most HUGGABLE,
If u r a star u r the BRIGHTEST,
and since u r my friend...U R THE BEST !!!

Don't shut love out of ur life by saying
it's impossible 2 find.

The quickest way 2
receive love is 2 give;

The fastest way 2 lose
love is 2 hold it 2 tight

And the best way 2
keep love is 2 give 2 wings.

Love is a sweet poison:
Don't consume without ur beloved's advice
and keep out of reach of children
and keep it in cool and dark place.

Promise me we r true friends
I am lamp u r light
I am Coke u r Sprite
I am Sawan u r badal
I am Normal u r Pagal
I am Water u r Tanki
I am Tarzan u r Monkey



Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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