Indoor gardening tips
Even if you’re not an avid gardener or flower lover, the sight of a
well-maintained indoor garden is impressive. However, if you’ve tried
your hand at indoor gardening, it’s not as easy as bringing the plants
Here are some tips to start you off on the right foot.

The first crucial decision has to do with lighting. Ask yourself,
exactly how much light should I give the plants? Your house may not have
enough light for your plants to exist, so this is a prime consideration.
Are you prepared to supply your plant with light through artificial
means? It could be expensive. If possible, try to select plants that
require minimal lighting such as Philodendrons and Boston ferns.
If there are not that many indoor plants, you may consider bringing
them out into the sun during the day before bringing them back inside.
Think of your plants as batteries. If you expose them to enough sunlight
outdoors, they can store this as a reserve source of energy indoors.
This is especially effective during summer.
It’s also important that you know how to spot the signs that will
tell you whether your plants are getting the right amount of light. One
sign is in the leaves.If the plant has small leaves and thin stems, it
needs more light. The same is true if the color of the plant turns paler
than usual.
You may even have to condition your plants, which is a way of making
them used to the lights in your house gradually, especially if they came
from a place that has brighter lights than your home.
You start by exposing the plants to the brightest possible light in
your house. Move them around daily while lessening the amount of light
they get, until they reach that point where they are exposed to their
regular amounts of light.
When it comes to watering, the rules are fairly simple.
Make sure to water the soil thoroughly and to have the water drained
at the bottom of the pot.
The quantity of water depends on the plant. The biggest mistakes here
are not watering them enough or watering them too much, so avoid both.
Also, use water that has the same room temperature.
Try to keep the room temperature at an even level, ideally in the
65-75 degrees Fahrenheit range.
Other items such as fertilizers and humidity levels depend a great
deal on the type of plants you choose. Copyright
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