Astronomers to test latest theories of structure and evolution of
Celebrity, Scholar: Albert Einstein Far from being a cosmic
oddity, gravitational lensing appears to be ubiquitous. New research
suggests that there may be half a million strongly lensing galaxies
scattered across the sky.
Other research has traced strands of unseen dark matter by the way
their gravity distorts light. These strands wrap the universe in an
invisible web.
Some of this research is from the COSMOS Project that aims to survey
thoroughly a small patch of sky about nine times the area of the full

Jean-Paul Kneib with the Laboratoire d’Astronomique de Marseille,
France, and Cécile Faure at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, led a
team that sifted through 2 million galaxy images taken by the Hubble
Space Telescope. They found 67 strong gravitational lenses in that small
space of sky.
Such lensing usually occurs when light from a distant galaxy is
magnified and distorted by a cluster of galaxies that lie between the
distant galaxy and us. But, in the project’s announcement last month,
Dr. Kneib says that, “what we are observing here is a similar effect but
on a much smaller scale - happening around a single but very massive
Now the project plans to automate the search and have robots scan the
entire Hubble image archive for similar lenses. If what they have found
so far is typical, there could be half a million of these small strong
gravity lenses out there.
The images these produce of more distant galaxies could be used to
create a census of galaxy masses throughout the universe. That could, in
turn, be used to test predictions of cosmological theories.
What Followed the Big Bang?Meanwhile, another international team is
using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope to trace the cosmic
distribution of dark matter.
This is an unknown substance whose presence is revealed only by its
gravitational effects.
In this case, it is revealed by how it deflects light from distant
galaxies. This is a very weak effect, which has been observed for the
first time.
Liping Fu, with the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, which leads
this research, says, “Our observations extend the knowledge about the
cosmic web beyond what was known before.” This is a web of dark-matter
structures that extend to more than 2,000 times the size of our Milky
Way galaxy, according to the research.
Dr. Fu says that what they have observed so far “confirms” that the
current model of dark matter structure is “correct even on those very
large scales.” His institute colleague Yannick Mellier adds, “These
results show that weak gravitational lensing is a reliable and accurate
technique for cosmology.” |