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DateLine Sunday, 30 March 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

NGOism and Kosovonisation of Tibet

Nepalese policemen arrest a Tibetan protester during an anti-Chinese demonstration in front of the consular section of the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu on March 29, 2008. Some 80 Tibetans protesters including several monks and nuns were detained after demonstrating in front of the building in the Nepalese capital, police and eyewitnesses said. (AFP)

Though it is a tiny land of 2, 5 miles square kilometers and 13000 ft above sea level, Tibet is called the "Roof of the World" due to the situation initially as a province of Main China and subsequently claimed independence in 1911 until mainland China annexed it as a province in 1951. It has been a hidden Buddhist State headed by Dalai Lama the spiritual and political leader of Tibetans.

Currently Lasha has a population of 6 million Tibetans and 7.5 million of Chinese migrated from the mainland. From the express train over 6000 people travel to and from daily, which has completely changed the fabric of the society, lifestyle and the culture of Tibetans.

Today Lasha is full of Han Chinese flooded polluting the virgin and untapped society replacing the old traditions and primitive way of simple living. Now their lifestyle is changed. There are employment opportunities. Tourism is flourishing with usual bad effects. Once called as the "Abode of the Gods" has over 700 brothel houses and 300 dance halls.

Symbol of culture and the rule of Dali Lama have changed. This is unfortunate but the order of the day. This destruction is common to many other countries. Thailand, and even Sri Lanka is a victim of this recent cultural invasion by the West and NGOs. India is generally safe as it does not encourage NGOism.

Wants autonomy

Dalai Lama being the advisor to the Government in exile wants autonomy and not independence. He is pragmatic and realistic. He still prays for a peaceful settlement and urges Tibetans to learn Chinese and integrate to be practical and realistic.

The developments in the mainland has direct and indirect effects on Tibet by improving their economy and living conditions. World prepares for the Olympics in Beijing this August. Interested parties are trying to focus attention of the world on the Human Rights situation in Tibet. They say the Human Rights situation, culture, religion and the identity is in danger. But the Dalai Lama's supporters want him to fight back.

Britain's Prince Charles is a supporter of Tibetan Independence. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives condemns Chinese actions and wants to fight. Sri Lankan, as a Buddhist country, may want to help predominately Buddhists Tibetans who are facing the problem.

I think this is the best opportunity for our President and the Foreign Minister to initiate use the good office of Sri Lanka for violable and practical solution considering all circumstances as separation is not the option.

The Chinese Government has changed and there is possibility to change them further. On the other hand China is becoming powerful economically and is aiming to be the future world power day by day.

Tibet has a positive ripple effect on these developments being a province of the mainland. Dalai Lama operating from Dharamasala in India is fighting back, backed by powerful Western allies, ready to work against Beijing - the political opponents ganging together against Chinese.

Dalai Lama is not against the Olympics and maintains a peaceful resolution to his long struggle aiming at a peaceful resolution. But his supporters are clamouring for a separate state from main China.

The Western block and the media is supporting Dalai Lama in every turn in order to attack their common enemy. Now Dalai Lama is politically grown and matured. He has realised that the world has changed and other things are changing.

China is not the China in 1951. Religions are given the due place and human rights - especially civil rights are observed and given special attention. Economy is being liberalised and vibrant. It is growing fast by passing the West at a tremendous pace and a rate.

It is an encouraging situation that Dalai Lama and Tibetans are now changing the strategy to keep pace with the modern changes aiming at a realistic and a practical solution without claiming independence. Buddhism and traditions are respected and given the due place again by the mainland. These are effects of the results of other economic and political changes.

US Secretary of state Condoleezza Rice has called Beijing to exercise restraint and British Foreign Minister David Miliband is calling for a substantive dialogue between parties. They want the Olympic games in this summer to provide an opportunity for more free expression.

It is doubtful of their love for Tibet is genuine or with an ulterior motive to attack China which is the emerging world power, becoming a threat to the world policeman and policemen. Their attitude is to confront and fight back.

They have intervened in Iraqi, Afghanistan and attempting to teach Iran too a lesson. The Kosovo fiasco is a joint operation of EU, USA, NATO and NGOs.

Kosovo has been a distant Muslim province of two million people of which 10 percent are orthodox Christian Serbs. Turks in 1389 advanced into European heartland defecting patriotic Serbs. Now as a result of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of Kosovo on 18th February 2008 when it is still under UN-NATO administration.

This is a part of the "Dismantling" process of Yugoslavia in 1991. They assumed power to wage war on "Failing" and "Rouge" states based on Washington consensus.


These new ethno-religious states are somewhat like the creation of Israel after unplanned withdrawal of the British Mandate in 1948, and the creation of Pakistan after their planned escape from India in 1747.

Creations of new nations based on religious and ethnic considerations started after the decolonisation process and also as a result of misinterpretation of the principle of self-determination which is currently outdated and archaic.

According to the principles of international law, the main prerequisites for the creation of a separate state are defined territory, effective control, capacity to enter into agreements with other countries and of course the recognition by other members of the world family and international organisations.

Israel was recognised by the USA hours after the declaration due to obvious reasons. Since then there were a number of countries that followed suit including Kosovo being the most recent and controversial.

Morality and the legality of the process is questionable as this is a province of Serbia under the protectorate of NATO-US-EU jointly and the prompt recognition of the declared state by the very same protectors shows the ulterior motives of the group of states behind the entire process. The next victims are possibly from Asia. The genuineness of aggressive support of the West to Tibet is doubtful and questionable.

India definitely would openly support Russia and China in the UN to ask the Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to explain to the world body as to how the US and allies could take the law into their own hands for the creation of rouge states.

It is unethical, immoral and illegal to break the states into smaller pieces destabilising the smooth functioning and equilibrium. This will be an endless process of fragmentation of states.

This is a dangerous and bad precedent. If the trend continues there will be a large number of macro states based on religion and ethic considerations which will destabilise the world. India, Indian sub continent Russia, Latin America, and many other stable countries will cease to exist.

Sri Lanka too has voiced her concern, out of the concern that LTTE too will declare independence as has been attempted previously which has been a miserable failure. Recently one Nadasan - a former police constable who claims to be the political head of LTTE - has stated that it is a matter of time for them to declare UDI... The LTTE is a terrorist group and unable to fulfill none of the prerequisites for statehood.

They are on the run and the leader is morally and physically wounded. But they are still financially powerful and front organisations are active in the guise of NGOs and Human Right originations. They have invaded and intruded almost all international organisations including UN and subsidiary organisations.

Wrong hands

NGOism is non governmental organisational activism which is a part of the world order. The United Nations itself is an NGO of states and all subsidiary organizations are alike. Funds are distributed to states and NGOs to perform various projects and duties and transparency and honesty is expected.

Unfortunately in Sri Lanka funds always go to the wrong hands. It goes to those who are influential and crafty. Who have international contacts and knowledge on world affairs and experience on documentation.

This is a very lucrative source of funding. There is a Gang of 5 (five) NGO "Fat Cats" in Sri Lanka pocketing out billions of pounds and dollars allocated to the NGOism in the country.

Next prey of the West appear to be Tibet and the intensity of the process is accelerated in view of the Olympics to gain maximum publicity and at the same time to attack China. They promote and instigate Dalai Lama for a head-on battle with China in order to Kosovonise Tibet too and to separate it from China.

It is not as easy as Kosovo as China is powerful economically and politically and concisions of the imminent danger.

In Sri Lanka NGOism is powerful for some reason. Funds are pouring into their coffers. Their main target is individual human rights. They target and concentrate on isolated incidents in order to prepare reports which helps to raise funds. They are experts on fundraising.

Some earn billions of dollars by way of perks, salary and facilities. We need honest and genuine Non Governmental Organisations. Many genuine human rights violations go undetected.

During Tsunami the NGOs were the most benefited.

Still genuine Tsunami victims are suffering. There are over 2000 accidental deaths on the road. We need NGOs to concentrate on genuine violations and remedial measures and not to get involve in politics. Our people are politically matured and educated. In South Asia India and Sri Lanka has been maintaining democratic ideals and values before and after independence from colonial rulers.

Collective and individual human rights are violated every second. The NGOs are concerned and worried about the North and East, which is a very lucrative area for funding and preparation of reports. What is required in a successful NGO is excellent reporting, management of media and looking after the principles locally and abroad.

Even globally 80 percent of NGO funds are used for administration salaries and other expenses. Only a fraction is used for the purpose.

There are unfortunate realities. Exploitation of funds is bad - but taking steps to destabilise the country is worst. A Head of an NGO currently in Sri Lanka has been instrumental in destabilising an African country and involved in the gold and diamond industry.

He is one of those gangs of (5) who pockets out billions of dollars by way of salary, rent and all other perks. It is time for the Sri Lankan Government to take immediate measures to regularise irregular NGOism in Sri Lanka.


Gamin Gamata - Presidential Community & Welfare Service
Death Acknowledgement - Mrs. Rasiah Annaluxsumy
Ceylinco Banyan Villas

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