Walking for health
by Lakmal Welabada
[email protected]
"Everybody says I'm fat and not fit enough for my age," said my
friend cum colleague.
"So, I decided to walk," she said.
"Good! Have you already started to walk then?" I asked munching
another piece of starchy rotty. Many around us in the canteen seemed to
be gobbling the same tasty stuff made out of flour, potato, Sardine and
"I'm not trying my best to avoid 'that' type of food," it was my
friend again.
"Good!" I replied. "Have you started to exercise?" I continued.
"Yes, since two weeks ago. But...," she paused.
"Why?" I butted in, and she went on saying....

I generally take a three wheeler from my home up to the junction
where I then take a bus to office. This one Kilometre would provide me
some good exercise if I go by foot. It would also save me Rs. 80 to Rs.
100 per day if I go on foot up and down. So, I started to walk," she
The first two days passed off untroubled though I saw a few
neighbours peepet from their homes in amazement. On the third day, a
middle aged lady was waiting for me at her gate still in her 'nighty'
and housecoat. She gave me a broad smile and greeted me from quite a
I had to spend ten minutes talking with her, answering the 'question
paper' she unfolded. When she reminded me of the number of vehicles at
my place, I assumed her ultimate curiosity was to find out why my
husband was not dropping me at the junction in his vehicle. "You look
troubled these days. Is there any problem?" she was suspicious.
I wondered what I should tell her. I decided to tease her a bit. "I
have. Thanks aunty, you have already noticed that," I said. "Yes, yes,
what is it my dear," she was so inquisitive. Her half opened mouth and
her flapping ears urged more 'news' from me, and probably about my
family life. She was known as 'Reuter' by the neighbours as she
'provided' news to the whole neighbourhood.
"I thought I should walk a bit as I'm becoming unfit,"
I said. "Ah! is that so," it was not the answer she expected. Though
she wanted to know more I politely excused her and vanished. The next
incident related to my friend's walking exercise was as follows; "A
friend of my husband who was also staying in that area, offered me a
lift," she began.
"I was heading towards the junction. He stopped the vehicle and asked
me to get in. I tried to refuse, but, since he insisted and was ready to
drop me at the office I accepted it humbly. He seemed very friendly and
was full of humour while discussing various subjects. He casually asked
the time I would be returning in the evening as well.
To my surprise, this man started giving me lifts quite often in the
morning and then in the evening as well. Since his office was quite far
from mine, I somehow smelt what he was after. And then quietly dropped
his 'drops'.
After hearing the two incidents my husband plainly asked me to give
up 'walking'. Instead he offered to go jogging with me every weekend. It
was great! We could enjoy it thoroughly. We continued it for about three
weeks. And then we stopped as he was transferred to a station out of
Meanwhile, two of our colleagues were hospitalised due to high
Cholesterol and Diabetics, giving us more 'reasons' to think about
exercising. Working places in many countries have their own gyms.
Physical fitness of workers is treated compulsory, and is being
observed annually in many such places. But, in Sri Lanka, only the three
Forces are forced to maintain such training. Apart from them the Police
may also be following the same training. But other than that a very few
in the government and private sector have given a serious thought to
this factor.
The Government spend millions on the healthcare programs in the
country. Annually, many private companies too set apart a lump sum for
medical care and insurance for its workers. But, rarely do they tend to
conduct a health camp or program to check whether their workers are
feeling ok.
Many workers who sit at one place in an Air Conditioned environment
from morning to evening, burning only his/her brain powers are 80-90
percent in danger without their knowledge. Failures could occur in both
ways, either physically or mentally.
Walking is a good exercise which costs nothing, if you have
resistance towards dust, fumes and drizzle. Hope you, would not
encounter the problematic incidents my friend faced. However, she is
still longing for a jog, and has ended up going to a gym for which she
has to spend through her nose for a limited period of time. |