Act of Kissing
The act of kissing is a natural human instinct,

It's because of the body chemistry created within.
The kiss, invariably, is performed by the lips,
This act, no human on earth has ever missed.
Kissing, indeed, is one of the sweetest moments,
Mostly, the kiss is given as a compliment.
The kiss cannot be given without being taken,
Nor can it be taken without being given.
During kissing, kindness is much in evidence,
Of course, it's a gesture with a difference.
Kisses vary: There's the kiss of welcome,
It's a chance that seldom does come.
There is also the kiss of parting,
It's one of loving and caring.
When it comes to the kiss of romance,
The two involved take a different stance.
At times, kisses are long and enduring,
When they come from two individuals loving.
Really, the kiss is often found to be sweet,
If the one kissed, for a moment, doesn't retreat.
The kiss is termed to be a seal of promise,
When it's accepted, the result is excessive bliss.
Kissing is one moment of exuberant joy,
It's another moment of passing sorrow.
The kiss often changes relationships of two individuals,
In any love story, the kiss is the most crucial.
The sword is the symbol of conquer,
But the kiss is the signal of surrender.
The kisser and the kissed are two human elements,
Their kiss is better enjoyed with mutual consent.
From M. I. Mohamed Ansar