Human rights and LTTE's human shields
[email protected]
Human rights which are rights derived as human beings are to be
protected anywhere in the world any time; during peace or war. Obviously
it is hard to maintain human rights during a war or unrest due to civil
disturbances and instability. The world mechanism to oversee and
supervise the implementation of human rights is weak and ineffective. It
seems that West has the monopoly to decide on the international
They assume standards by comparing with the international instruments
starting from the United Nations Charter and subsequent instruments such
as the United Nations Convention on Human Rights, European Convention of
Human Rights and a whole heap of human rights instruments in force. They
indirectly indicate EU maintains international standards which is not
necessarily the actual position. They try to act as policemen and the
guardian of Human Rights by scrutinizing the human right situations in
other parts of the globe. Sri Lanka has been an easy prey for them due
to the ongoing war on terror and the struggle with the most fearful and
ruthless terrorists in the world as categorised by the United States.
Human Rights in Iraqi and Afghanistan are not observed and the excuse is
the 'War on terror'.
But in Sri Lanka the West expects to maintain international
standards' even during war and civil disturbances. These instruments
were based on great Western Christen values which are principally
similar to other great religious values in the other parts of the world.
Human Rights and values in Asia were respected and practised even in the
absence of the Conventions and Instruments.
Therefore the concepts adopted by the West were applicable and
adopted in other parts with ease. United Nations have mechanisms to deal
with member states via Security Council and making use of sanctions,
embargos and "Name and Shame" process. The Human Rights Committee has
adopted procedures to deal with countries and individuals based on
complaints. European Court and the European Conventions have different
and mild methods of dealing with Human Right violations. There is no
world "Executive Body" to deal with the wrong-doers, though there is a
World Court, Tribunals and the World Community to point the finger at
those who are in violation of international law and international
standards. In such a situation the terrorist movements have many avenues
to escape from the international safety net which is supervised by the
media and the international organisations.
Era of Human Rights
This is the era of Human Rights. There is demand and agitation to
protect and uphold Human Rights whatever the way it is defined and
Even Kuwait where the Western human rights and values were not
recognised, has appointed a Parliamentary Human Rights Committee which
has given a fair hearing to Asian workers in Kuwait which is a very
interesting and an encouraging change of attitude.
The United Nations Charter was drafted in place of the League of
Nations as a result of the Second World War and the mass destruction and
loss of human lives and the civilisation.
These instruments have attempted the protection of individual and
collective human rights by urging the state parties to ratify
conventions and instruments on human rights so that the parties are
bound to comply, though there is no mechanism to implement or punish if
it is not complied with.
Sri Lanka who is a senior member of the United Nations, has ratified
most of the human rights conventions and instruments agreed upon by the
world community.
The previous British envoy of Sri Lanka argued that the other
countries including UK have a right to be concerned and inquire into the
human right situation in a signatory state, including Sri Lanka. Many
NGO's too hold the same view and along with the world media are
constantly bringing the human right situation in Sri Lanka to the world
According to news reports, the Sri Lankan government has requested
the UN and NGO's to suspend operation for a short while considering the
grave situation due to the ongoing military operations against the
terrorists. The Amnesty International fears that the withdrawal of
international staff will make the trapped citizens more vulnerable to
the abuses of the LTTE. AI reports that the LTTE is preventing civilians
from moving to safer places in government controlled areas.
The LTTE is also recruiting minors and elders in camps for the newly
displaced. Aid workers fear the Sri Lankan Government lacks capacity to
provide basic essentials to the trapped and fleeing citizens.
ICRC has estimated the IDPs (internationally displaced people) at
160,000 at the mercy of LTTE which they are planning to use as Human
Shields in the name of Human Rights. There are reports that these
trapped brethren are forcibly trained by the LTTE for the final and
decisive battle out of desperation. They are innocent civilians, elders,
students and government servants paid by the government. Though AI
(Amnesty International) is concerned about the capacity of the Sri
Lankan Government to meet the situation, the fact remains that all
throughout, all the citizens in the LTTE-controlled territory were
maintained by Sri Lankan government with the use of the tax payers money
in the South. Then what is the difficulty in coping with these IDPs for
a short while? Tom Vandenhove, the head of the ICRC delegation has urged
both parties to the conflict to safeguard civilians and their safe
passage presuming even that the government too is preventing safe
passage of the trapped citizens. This indicates that either the INGOs
are in a different world of their own or have an agenda when it is too
well-known that the Government has invited and awaiting the arrival of
all IDPs guaranteeing their safety and the future in a peaceful
atmosphere as has been done in the East.
Civilians as shields
As for the LTTE, the civilians as a shield is nothing new to its
tactics in the past and it is well known that it is the last resort and
the strategy of the LTTE to use the Human Shield in the name of Human
Rights. If anybody has a real interest, these trapped civilians should
be found a passage to the safer areas out of the conflict zone. Pressure
is now mounting on the government from many corners to stop the
humanitarian interventions and enter into negotiations with the LTTE
which the successive governments have tried and failed especially when
the LTTE was weak. Now that the government is pounding LTTE targets and
the LTTE is on the run, there is no reason to do so. Security forces
have completely cleared the East and a major portion of the North. The
morale of the security forces too is at its highest and the country has
approved the steps taken by the Rajapaksa government after being given a
mandate in the recent Provincial Council elections.
There is, an unusual step taken by the United Nations Humanitarian
Coordinator's Office urging LTTE to allow civilians trapped in the area
of conflict, a free passage and a corridor to safe passages. The Lankan
Ministry of defence too has stated that swift measures have been adopted
for a humanitarian corroder with maximum freedom for movement. According
to Bi Mingxin, the UN has raised with the LTTE its urgent concern that
civilians be allowed maximum freedom and commitment of the government to
provide humanitarian assistance to those civilians who remain in the
LTTE controlled Vanni area. These are new and good developments that
little by little LTTE too is pressurized by the International
Organisations to be practical and humane.
Way forward is certain but difficult. This is the final battle and
the LTTE is fully aware of it. It will use all avenues and all areas
available to it to repulse attacks or maintain the status quo as what
they need is to maintain the existing territory.
They have number of options and strategies. The LTTE is depending on
the Indian factor, International organisations, Tamil Diaspora, and Sri
Lankan opposition to back them. Out of every minute issue they try to
make capital. Kachchativu issue is a matter resolved amicably by two
states India and Sri Lanka. This is a time we have to take calculated
and decisive steps. It is time for the opposition to work together the
way the conservatives' in Britain struggled shoulder to shoulder to end
the IRA terrorist issue.
Today Conservatives are heading for a clear victory. East is
completely liberated and managed by the people in the area headed by
Pillaiyan a former LTTE child soldier who has remarkably changed to be
an excellent politician.
The majority in the North and East and Colombo are Tamils and the
second majority community is Muslims. Tamils and Muslims are the main
and leading business communities which are readily acknowledged and
recognized by the Sinhalese who live like brethren in the island. It is
the duty of the Opposition and all communities to work hand in hand for
the safety and benefit of the trapped brethren and the peace and
propriety of the Nation.
The writer is the Chairman of the SAARC Study Centre United Kingdom-
Solicitor in England and Wales