Set up high-powered council for foreign affairs
by K. Godage
The Foreign Ministry should be tasked to build the widest possible
network of allies for this country by pursuing a non-aligned foreign
policy, particularly in the context of the newly emerging Cold War.
Besides international political relations, one would need to follow
the international economic situation, the monetary and financial
developments, promote educational and cultural exchanges, scientific and
technological cooperation, promote trade, investment and tourism and
above all, in our situation, keep a tab on the activities of the LTTE
abroad and report on matters relating to national security.
Conventional diplomacy is today a thing of the past and the wide
range of activities (the expansion is both qualitative and quantitative)
of a State calls not for one single Minister, even if he be amiable,
articulate and presentable as the present incumbent, but it calls for a
collegiate approach; may I therefore, with the preservation of national
security foremost in my mind suggest that a high powered Council of
Foreign Affairs be formed with the President in the chair, with
Ministers concerned with economic affairs, trade, tourism, foreign
investment and finance, along with the Minister in charge of Foreign
Political Relations and Secretary Ministry of Defence (given Ministerial
rank as is enjoyed by the National Security Advisor in India) to
formulate our foreign policy.
The Council of Foreign Affairs should have its own Secretariat to
monitor and coordinate implementation of the decisions of the Council.
The Secretariat should compose of senior officials with at least ten
years experience in the relevant department or Ministry. The Secretary
General of such an entity should be a senior, mature, experienced,
public official of proven ability. The Secretariat should function under
the President himself.
This is an imperative in our present perilous situation. I do hope
the President would act to set up the Council in his own and the
country’s interest. |