FGKC - pioneer in Islamic Banking and Finance education
The changes in the Islamic Banking and Finance industry have been
tremendous since its inception in the early 1970s. Its growth over the
recent years has opened many doors to a large number of banks and
financial institutions globally. This has led to the market becoming
extremely sophisticated and increasingly competitive whilst providing an
alternative to conventional banking.
However, this sharp growth has not been met with developing the
required human capital base. There is a dearth of Islamic Banking and
Finance professionals not only locally but also regionally and globally.
First Global Group brings the first initiative to Sri Lanka by providing
Islamic finance education to open the doors for greener pasture through
a career in Islamic Banking and Finance.
First Global Academy, (FGA), formerly First Global Knowledge Centre (Pte.)
Ltd, a member of the Sri Lanka-based First Global Group, is dedicated to
bringing in high quality training and events on topics associated with
Islamic banking, finance and Takaful. FGA keeps abreast with the
developments, trends and demand particulary in the field of Islamic
Banking and Finance Industry to ensure that timely, informative training
courses and events that deliver substantial benefit to the participants
are provided. FGA is a pioneer in introducing Islamic Banking and
Finance training courses that cater to national and international demand
for Islamic Banking and Finance professionals. It has tied up with the
prestigious Securities and Investment Institute, London to offer the
Islamic Finance qualifications (IFQ), SII - UK, in Sri Lanka. FGA is the
only accredited provider in Sri Lanka for the SII.
The Securities and Investment Institute is the largest and most
widely respected professional body for those who work in the securities
and investment industry in the UK. Formed as the "Securities Institute"
in 1992 by the members of the London Stock Exchange the Institute
changed its name in November 2004. |