Bharti Airtel on joint rejoinder
Bharti Airtel has issued the following statement on the joint
rejoinder by the four mobile operations in Sri Lanka to Airtel's plea
for fairness in inter connection.
"Recently, four existing mobile operators in Sri Lanka issued a joint
rejoinder to Airtel's plea for fairness in inter connection. The
operators, while welcoming Airtel to Sri Lanka also advocated a level
playing field.
Airtel welcomes their welcoming us and would soon like to see them
walking the talk.
Airtel, however, maintains its stand that it is being discriminated
against and that all efforts are being made by the same mobile operators
to block/delay the entry of Airtel.
The very fact that a joint statement had to be issued is indicative
of the coming together of various operators to block a new entrant.
It may be pertinent here to mention that Airtel seeks the very same
agenda that has been clearly articulated in the recently issued draft
Development Agenda (2006-2016) of the Telecommunications Regulatory
Commission (TRC) of Sri Lanka.
Promoting competition, improving quality of service, making cellular
services more affordable to the rural and urban consumers and
discouraging anti competitive practices are some of the areas TRCSL has
proposed to strengthen.
In the same Development Agenda, the TRC spells out the issues facing
the Telecommunications industry, namely Lack of a seamless
Interconnection regime, Lack of effective Quality of Service management,
Improve operator responsiveness to customer needs.
Airtel is very happy and honoured to have been given a chance by the
TRC and Government of Sri Lanka to serve the Sri Lankan customer with
quality service at affordable prices.
We remain committed to our promise of providing the customer
International quality service and experience at affordable prices, Best
in class products and services, state-of-the-art network across the
country to offer best connectivity and a great mobile experience." |