Want to change your profession?
I should become a programmer? Maybe in theatre? Can I become a
psychologist? Or an engineer? And also a chief accountant ... And
personnel manager also sounds quite good ... and maybe ...
Here a stream of my close girlfriend's reflexions was interrupted by
a phone call from her chief with the request to come to him. A
girlfriend left, and I remained to reflect on what causes her desire to
replace a profession so cardinally, and whether it is necessary to risk
so, working on the speciality for several years.
To change or not to change - here is a question!
Motives which induce a person to change a profession and field of
activity completely are numerous. However a principal cause is
dissatisfaction. In similar situations we can always accurately
formulate what does not arrange us on the given work at all, however
intuitively we understand that it is necessary to be engaged in
something.. Something that will bring bigger satisfaction, allow to
receive more money or open new horizons for development and self-realisation.
In certain cases we work as though by inertia, on a habit, and we go for
work because we need, because we have received this speciality, because
we've been working many years in one collective...
Meanwhile, a person whose career remains without changes for long
time, risks to get stuck at this level for ever. Certainly, any modern
woman would not like this to happen! We should develop, grow, aspire to
new tops, submit them and go further! Sometimes it happens that it is
necessary to take a detached view of your work to estimate a real state
of affairs. So, let's begin.
Signs telling you can (and probably should) change your speciality:
- Absence of achievements in professional work;
- To a small salary which hardly suffices on necessity, and you would
like to receive several times more;
- Your post remains former for a third year, duties - invariable, and
the level of authority also has fallen asleep at one place;
- There is no interest to professional work, a necessity to earn
money is a unique stimulus to go for work;
- Frequent illnesses: if you combine all sick-lists for a year, it
will turn out more than a month. Most likely, diseases are somatic, thus
an organism tries to protect us, brings out necessity to go for unloved
Here are some basic signs telling your profession can be changed and
everyone will just win from it. If any of the named signs are reality
reflexion, it is a serious occasion to reflect on work change.
I could become a pilot...
After understanding your present work is not a business of your life,
there comes time to decide, what is a business of your life then? It is
necessary to define with what profession to choose. In this question you
should be very attentive and should not give up available work without
that accurate understanding for the sake of what this work will leave
for you.
First, it is necessary to estimate soberly possibilities, and already
proceeding from it, choose a new employment. For example, if it would be
desirable to work as a designer, but thus you've got only "three" on
drawing and plotting and no successful drawing in the slightest degree
in your active, it is better to refuse from such speciality and make
this employment a hobby, instead of way of earnings.
Choosing a future profession is necessary to lean against your
abilities and skills. For example, if there is a talent of belief, it is
pleasant to communicate with people, you can choose a profession of
sales manager. And in student's accounting was your favourite subject,
it makes sense to reflect on a profession of a bookkeeper.
Secondly, having decided to change profession, it is not necessary to
enter University on the chosen speciality at once, as in this case
practical skills and experience are much more important. It is better to
work as a trainee or assistant for the expert in the chosen area for
some time, for the symbolical salary.Simultaneously you can be engaged
in self-education on a theme or register in courses, if it is necessary.
Forward, to the employer! All meditations are behind, a new field of
activity is chosen, now it is possible to be arranged for work. Here it
is necessary to be ready for the fact that employers do not wait for a
person who does not have experience in the field with open arms,
therefore it is necessary to be prepared for an interview in advance .It
is necessary to manage to explain an employer the reasons why this
speciality has been chosen. It is important to show that you are the one
who, despite minimum experience or its total absence, can cope with the
duties assigned to it (here examples from life when it was necessary to
carry out similar problems, and their performance was successful will
help). Besides, an employer should be convinced that he receives a loyal
employee, who is ready to be trained and work as much, as it is required
from him and with full return.
It is very important to read specialised literature on the chosen
profession, watch news in this area and visit specialised forums,then it
is possible to gather a lot of useful practical information, and also
penetrate into a theme more deeply. Besides, it will help a lot on
interview with the employer, after all he will see before himself a
person who is guided in the basic questions and interested in chosen
Do not become a despair, if from the first you failed to get a job.
It is important to analyse the reasons, correct errors , meet possible
lack in knowledge and go on following interview or send resume to
several companies. The main thing is a serious spirit and optimism, then
everything will turn out necessarily!Instead of conclusion the
girlfriend returned from a chief, shining with happiness. It appeared,
he suggested her passing in other department and heading it! Now she is
a head of large department, and thoughts on change of work do not come
to her anymore.
Favourite interesting work, worthy salary and fine prospects of the
further career growth. She found her work, and she's not going to change
it. |