The curse of consanguinity
By Dilshan PERERA
waited impatiently outside the dialysis unit of the Kandy hospital. This
is a familiar set-up to her as she has visited it during the past 2
years. Finally the doctor came out of the unit with a file in his hands.
She rushed towards him. His face looked passive. “Please doctor, tell me
about my husband’s condition” she pleaded. “Mrs. Dissanayaka, I’m afraid
we have waited too long. He must undergo a renal transplant within 4
weeks! We can arrange the operation but you have to find a suitable
donor.” She knew that she had to face this one day.
‘How can I find a donor who is so generous to sacrifice one of his
kidneys to my husband? Beside I have no money to continue with treatment
after the operation even though it will be performed free of charge.’
She spent weeks finding a suitable donor for renal transplant. The
effort was in vain. It proved impossible to find a suitable donor that
has the same blood group as that of her husband.
She came home frustrated.Gods seem to turn a deaf ear to her plea to
save her husband. She has no alternative left. She has to choose between
the two lives she loves beyond herself. She has made up her mind. It is
her husband who should live, not the growing baby in her womb!The next
day she went to meet her doctor. He was eager to know whether she has
found a suitable donor. She shook her head wearily. “Doctor, can a
female donate a kidney to a male?” she asked him uncertainly. He looked
at her in a curious manner. “As long as the blood groups match, it
doesn’t make any difference” said he. My blood group is B negative, I
can be the life saver of my husband” she sounded like she was suffering
from a sore throat.

“The problem is pregnant women cannot undergo this type of serious
procedure. It is out of the question.” “But what if I am not
pregnant...? Is it possible to donate my kidney if I get rid of the
baby?” she asked, reluctant to give up hope. “What are you up to? You
have been dying to become pregnant. You can’t lose your baby for the
sake of your husband”, he said angrily. He never let go his suspicious
gaze. She stood up to leave. “Mrs. Dissanayaka,” he called back in an
urgent tone.
“I know what you are planning to do. Never even think of it. It’s
unethical, an unforgivable crime!”She turned back and broke into
uncontrollable sobs. “I know it is difficult to choose between my baby
and my dying husband, but I have no alternative. No one is there to help
me. Nobody understands my misery,” she cried bitterly. “Killing one life
to save another is not a good option, Mrs. Dissanayaka,” he said
soothingly in a tone full of empathy.
She fought her way into a crowded bus. One man was kind enough to
offer his seat to this pregnant lady. She looked at him with an
expression of utmost gratitude. If only I could find a suitable donor in
time, she thought bitterly biting her lip. The bus snailed its way
through the rugged road. She is used to this kind of hardships at least
since a few years back. Her thoughts raced back to her childhood.She was
dressed in a pretty looking dress, an expensive one. Her parents were
rich and powerful land owners. She hailed from an aristocratic family.
Although her parents had inherited wealth during the generations,
foolish pride led to their downfall.
Pooja however did not bother about wealth. She enjoyed a glorious
childhood with every luxury. Anoj who happens to be her father’s
sister’s son used to visit their place in the evenings. She was very
fond of Anoj aiya. It was greed that separated their families forever.
Her father has claimed a land which belongs to Anoj’s mother, her aunt.
The two families quarrelled over this land for years. Anoj’s family
sought assistance of the courts. Influenced by her father’s money and
power the judgment was given in favour of her father.
Since then her aunt has been dead against them. Anoj never came to
their place, nor was she allowed even to speak with him. Years passed
by. It was ten years after the beginning of the family dispute that she
met Anoj aiya at the temple one day. Anoj couldn’t resist noticing what
a beautiful young lady Pooja has turned into.
They exchanged a few cautious words during their first encounter
after all these years. After that nothing could stop them meeting in
secret. As time passed, these encounters evolved into a secret love
Her father came to know about his daughter’s treachery. She was
imprisoned in her room. She wasn’t allowed to speak to outsiders. This
turned out to become an immense torture for her. She was denied her
freedom. Anoj was in despair knowing that he has put Pooja into trouble.
Their only comfort was Pooja’s maid who secretly helped them to exchange
letters. Walls couldn’t hide their love. It grew even stronger. Both
parties vehemently disagreed to their relationship.
They executed their last option, elope. One rainy night they eloped
to a far away village, away from the clutches of their dogmatic parents.
Her father was furious after learning of the “crime” she has committed.
She has brought disgrace to their unblemished family. All her property
was grabbed away from her. They didn’t even think twice before declaring
their only daughter dead!! They even organized an almsgiving for the
lost soul of Pooja who was once their daughter.
Anoj’s mother was outraged after she became aware of the fact that
her enemy’s daughter had ‘enticed’ her beloved son. When they went home
to get the blessing from Anoj’s parents, she spat on her face saying
“You will NEVER become a MOTHER! I curse you for stealing my son”. Anoj
too was punished for this felony. He was sacked from the business firm
owned by his family. They began their new life with sorrow and misery.
They had to give up all the luxuries they were used to.
Despite all hardships no one could kill the happiness in their lives.
Money was not a problem as long as there was true LOVE! The young couple
anticipated a child as they thought a child could work MAGIC! That their
parents would forget everything after seeing their only grandchild.Years
passed, even though she was lucky enough to conceive, she never became a
mother! She suffered miscarriages twice. The doctors blamed their
consanguinity for all the misfortune. After seven long years gods did
answer her endless prayers. She has become pregnant with a healthy
Fate seems to mock them once again. Five years after their marriage
her husband became ill very often. He was diagnosed with a rare
inherited renal disease known as “Polycystic kidney”. He has to undergo
renal transplant in order to survive.
Anoj did not know that his wife was pregnant with a healthy child. If
he did, he would have been the happiest man on earth! He was struggling
to stay alive. His time was running out! No one was there to save him
but his poor wife.Pooja took a deep breath before entering the room. The
place was well known for illegal abortions. She hesitated before signing
the documents. Pooja felt bad after coming home. Her body was in pain.
The physical pain was nothing compared to the mental agony of losing her
child. She wanted to cry, to ease the unbearable pain inside her; but
tears failed to extinguish the fire wreaking havoc within her. The
unforgivable silence was broken by the ringing of the phone.
“Mrs. Dissanayaka, this is doctor Jayasooriya from the hospital,”
Pooja got to her feet struck with panic. “Is anything wrong with my
husband?” she asked almost crying. “Calm down madam, there is GOOD NEWS
for you,” he said cheerily, “Your search has come to an end. Gods have
answered your prayers.” She couldn’t grasp head or tail of what he was
“We have found a suitable donor for your husband’s kidney
transplantation. You may come tomorrow to sign the documents. We hope to
perform the surgery within 3 days,” his voice rang in her ears
Pooja stood there transfixed with the receiver still held tightly to
her ear. “Killing one life to save another is not a good option!” she
heard over and over again. |