Local manufacturers to fulfil school uniform requirements
school uniform requirement for 2009 would be fulfilled by local textile
manufacturers, as it was in the previous year. The Textile Development
Ministry has already made arrangements in this regard.
The Education Ministry has reported that about 10.5 million metres of
textile materials would be needed for school uniforms next year.
Accordingly, eight million metres of white textile material, 2.5 million
metres of blue and white trouser material and 260,000 metres of robe
material are required. As it's difficult to manfacture the entire
required quota locally within the specified period, 30 per cent of the
requirement would be manufactured locally. The rest would be imported as
unfinished material and bleached locally.
Ten small and medium textile factories have already been entrusted
with the task of manufacturing five million metres of school uniform
material that is required for 2009. Their quality would be tested and
ascertained by the Textile Training and Service Centre.
By manufacturing the school uniform textile material locally, the
Government would save a lot of foreign exchange and promote local
expertise and efficiency in this field. This would result in direct
employment for over 10,000 people and indirect employment for over
100,000 people.