Raise your mood!
Sometimes it happens that monotonous circle of office life seems
absolutely infinite, and our dreams, seemingly, have ceased to come true
for a long time already. This means, it is time to change something. And
it is better to start with trifles. Important daily trifles which will
support us and bring more bright colours in your life. There are simple
ways thanks to which you learn to receive and appreciate small pleasures
of life every day. And good emotions are a pledge of self-trust and
success in dialogue with surrounding people.
1. Arrange SPA in your own bath
remove weariness and pressure after a hard working day, it is
unessential to go to expensive SPA-salon. Come home and before plunging
into household chores, give yourself 20 minutes of your personal time -
after all this is not so much! Prepare a bath of warm pleasant water,
add fragrant foam and to appear at the top of pleasure for certain,
throw there some flower petals (these can be soap petals, and better -
petals of real natural flower, which you can buy on the way home).
Plunge into snow-white foam and stay cool, as water washes off all
troubles and complexities of the previous day from you. You can take a
glass of cool fruit juice with you in a bath...
If a day was too stressful, and you feel your nerves are stretched to
the limit, you will be helped by an all-heal bath. Make a broth: 6
all-heal table spoons on 1 litre water, boil it during 15 minutes, and
then pour out in a bath with warm water. It will perfectly calm nerves,
and also help falling asleep easily and quickly.
2. Feel pleasure from dialogue with animals
people having home pets will confirm that dialogue with animals pacifies
and cheers up. A fluffy purring kitten on your knees or a dog, welcoming
you with a sonorous bark when you come home - such display of love will
raise a warm smile and feeling of pleasure in everyone. By the way,
doctors prescribe treatment of various neurosises and depressions
through dialogue of patient with any animal for a long time. Such method
of improvement is called animalotherapy. Horses and dolphins are
considered especially good "doctors". And why not to refuse TV watching,
and arrange a walk on horses accompanied by instructor in one of days
off? Lots of positive emotions and delight are provided to you!
3. Eat with pleasure
how we usually try to cook something tasty before arrival of guests?
Arrange "celebratory" suppers only for yourself at least occasionally.
It does not mean that you should bake a pig or do something heroic in
the same spirit. Just buy something delicious, put your favourite wine
glasses and beautiful napkins on a table. It is possible to light some
candles - you will feel warm, cosy and joyful. Feel that this is only
for you. And ... try delicacies, bon appetit! Do you know what doctors
say? It appears, even if you adhere to an exclusively healthy diet,
having completely refused hamburgers and fat mayo, it still is not a
guarantee of your good state of health! It is very important to eat
something that brings you the pleasure from time to time - chocolate or
a cream cake or tasty fried meat. And constant refusal from these small
pleasures is the first step to bad mood and apathy, and as a
consequence, and health problems may bob up.
4. Do something good
to researches (the purpose of which was to reveal sensations at
fulfilment of any kind acts) people feel exclusive pleasure, certain
ease and satisfaction from things they do while rendering assistance to
other people and doing any other positive things.
Really, doing a good act, one's self-estimation raises and mood
So, maybe, you should stop altercations with a colleague and offer
her an armistice and a cup of coffee?
5. Greet morning with a smile
morning sets fashion to our whole day. No matter how sleepy and languid
you wake up in the morning, try to pull out yourself from a bed and go
to the nearest park for a jog, or take a contrast shower, or just rise
on a rug and do some physical exercises. Having managed to overcome the
first minutes of laziness, you will feel an inflow of vivacity and
positive mood. And, having come for work, surprise sleepy colleagues
with a fresh and vital look! And in the end I would like to say that I
do not believe that happiness can fall down on our head just from
nowhere. It is necessary to create happiness in our life by our own
hands and almost every day, including Saturdays and Sundays!