How to become a leader?
How to bring up a leader in ourselves, develop leader's features,
become an example, so that other people would admire your qualities? Now
there are lots of courses promising to teach you all aforesaid for
fabulous money, but whether it is necessary to waste them, if you can
learn everything by yourself, you just should have a goal. How? Let's
Leader - who is it?
of all it is necessary to make a definition of the word "leader". A
leader - the one who has control over general mood, creates emotional
atmosphere, the one who knows why he does it. To become a leader, it is
necessary to bring up yourself accordingly, learn putting purposes and
priorities for yourself.
A leader is not a person with outstanding natural abilities,
ultrahigh IQ.He is first of all a person possessing intuition, an
insight and skill to communicate.There are many qualities which are
attributed to leaders. And practically all of them appear in the course
of purposeful work on yourself.Psychology of a leader is a way of
thinking, a way of estimation of his validity and possibilities.
It is a filter which helps to remain a self-assured person trusting
in own forces. And psychology of a leader needs to be brought up in
yourselves, if you wish to become successful.Psychologists have been
developing a set of systems and ways of development of leader's
psychology and qualities for a long time.
Become a leader!
Changing yourself, remain yourself. It is not necessary to put on a
mask of the one whom you wish to become, even if you want it very
Only imitation, instead of objective estimation of your
possibilities, work on self, self-realisation, will not bring results.
Try to use all energy which is given to you, talents, abilities on a
total power.
You should hardly wait for results from reading of popular
psychological literature with bright and much-promising titles like
"Become a leader for a week", "How to become a millionaire quickly" and
others, celebrities' biographies. Visiting courses where self-appointed
miracle-bio-psychologists will learn to become successful people,
naturally, for compensation, is not also useful. An objective estimation
of yourself, your possibilities together with self-development, accurate
statement of purposes - here is what you need.
To analyse your lacks, accept them (and this is already a step
forward) and eradicate them, there are following ways:
1. Talk to an internal critic.
Listen to his remarks concerning yourself and associates, object him
objectively. And it is even better to get a writing-book, in which you
will write down everything he tells you, without embellishing. Write
criticism to your address from second person, as though these are really
words of other person.
For example, instead of "I am not right here" you need "he is not
right here". Learn to answer all his attacks with cool "well, so what
2. Learn opinion of your close friends and relatives.
Give them a sheet of paper or a cartridge, on which they should write
down all bad they see in you and also everything they like you. Friends
should be really close, and quantity of bad and good lines would be
better approximately identical.
And it is necessary not to be afraid of reading/listening to
everything up to the end. Then your fear in front of your own
inferiority will turn back your ally. You just should not be afflicted,
and accept adequately new food to reflection.
3. Write down your lacks and reasons.
Not allowing to reach what you want on a sheet of paper, and then
burn it. It is possible to carry out this procedure several times for
achievement of bigger result. Do not be afraid to be fair in front of
yourself. Write everything that comes to your mind.
Unburden your heart to paper. You should be fair in front of you as
much as possible. Write throughout the day. So, if displeasing reasons
appear again and again - you can add. It is better to use the following
structure: write a purpose and below - the reason of failure. Repeat an
act of cremation of objectionable personal qualities in the process of
finding, emerging in memory or at will.
4. Mark your successes.
On a regular basis. And the end of day, before going to bed, write
down everything you could make today in a notebook. Let there be seven
or more points. It will help to adjust yourself on performance of
affairs, planned for tomorrow. And do this irrespective of a day. No
matter what happens, there should be executed affairs under each date.
You will mark also failures for yourself. This exercise should help to
reveal weaknesses and draw up "self-correction" plan.
5. Do not refuse yourself in pleasures.
Try to do something desirable every day: buy something you like to
eat go somewhere to have a rest, descend on fishing or in a hairdressing
salon (depending on your sex or predilections). Learn to feel pleasure
from it. So learn to understand that everything that you want - is
Classical music relieves stress during pregnancy
quantity of future mums experience stress during pregnancy.
Scientists do not cease to think out new ways to normalise their
psychological health. The latest discovery showed that certain music can
relieve pregnant women of depression.
The main thing in such therapy - a music rhythm. The most suitable -
60-80 blows per minute, it coincides with rate of heart beat.
Experiment with participation of 240 pregnant women was carried out.
Pregnancy of 120 of them proceeded in usual way, and others were kept
under 30-minute musical therapy regularly.
Women listened to different music: lullabies, classical music, sounds
of the nature and modern quiet melodies.
It appeared that those women who passed sound therapy, experienced
much less stresses, rather than future mums from control group. A
percent ageof pregnant women, feeling stress, decreased on 2,15. And a
number of women enduring anxiety, decreased from 38 % to 2 %.
Secrets of happy marriage from Beckhams
of the most known spouses of the world - David and Victoria Beckham -
decided to share a secret of happy family life. A famous football player
opened his heart in a special way.David told that main components of
home life with Victoria are respect, children, and also - his wife's
amazing legs."Children have great value for us. Each of us can have
problems on work, but it becomes unimportant, when you come home and see
a smile of our children.We do not look at anybody, we listen to nobody.
We listen only to each other and it is very important", - David
On a question about what attracts David to his wife most of all, he
told with a smile,"Her legs! When I saw her for the first time, she
still was in Spice Girls.She always wore miniskirts. I was asked: "Whom
you like more in Spice Girls?", and I always answered: "The one with