Dolphins - the 'semi humans' at sea
dolphins' incredible capacity to learn and perform an astonishing number
of tricks has made them popular stars in movies, television as well as
marine showplaces. Their ability to be trained easily and to display
various complex behaviours have made them well-liked attractions at many
ocean aquariums throughout the world. Dolphins which are the most
playful and intelligent group of animals living in the sea, have been
well noted since ancient times for their frolic some habits around human
divers and boats. Certain members of major dolphin family dwell in
rivers or lakes but most dolphins inhabit deep oceans, while others are
typically found in coastal waters, along beaches, in bays and harbours.
There are several different species of dolphins in the world but the
best known of all is the bottle nose of the Atlantic Ocean. This type of
dolphin is more often seen in massive sea aquariums because it lives
well in captivity and has been closely surveyed by scientists, more than
any other small whale.
The dolphin is usually grey on its back and sides shading to white
towards the belly. Its back fin resembles that of a shark and the two
flippers also remind one of those of a shark. Strangely enough within
each flipper there is a bone formation very much similar to that of a
human arm and the skeleton of the flipper even includes five
fingers."Common dolphins are 8 to 9 feet long on maximal growth and are
often sighted gambolling around ships and swimming with schools of
smaller fish.The Killer whale, the largest member of dolphin family,
earned its name because it preys on seals, sea lions, small dolphins,
fish as well as squid which are its preliminary diet. On the other hand,
killer whale is not a ferocious killer that attacks humans, quite
contrary to the legendary accounts of sailors being swollen alive by
killer whales at the distant sea.
contrast to fish that can breathe underwater, the dolphins have to come
to the surface of the water to breathe and dolphins have acquired the
natural skill to get a breath of air quickly and efficiently while
swimming at full speep.
The baby dolphin is typically born tail first in to the world of
water after the mother dolphin carries her baby for approximately a
year. With mother's succour, the baby swims immediately to the surface
for its primary breath of air.
The most prominent trait of dolphins is that unlike most mammals
sleeping at one time, they take momentary naps during both day and
night. Though we may believe that dolphins see well under water but
poorly in the air, this strange aquatic animal has surprisingly good
vision out of the water. These animals are revealed to make a variety of
sounds such as barks, yelps, yaps and even mewing sounds to convey their
different moods and to locate food. The latest scientific findings have
substantiated dolphin's active use of sonar to gather information about
its environment. (Sonar? - Sounad Navigation Ranging)Even if dolphins
are as free living and untamed as deer or tiger, they voluntarily
associate with humans unlike most wild animals. Every person at sea is
well aware of how dolphins accompany boats and ships merely for human
company and sport but no dolphin has ever shown any sign of interest in
food from man.
It is appealing to observe that dolphins are known to aid their own
kind by holding an injured animal at the surface of water between two of
dolphin companions until they reach a safer place.Dolphins have been
proved to be the quintessence of playful and intelligent animals ever to
devil on earth and they make themselves unique among wild animals by
seeking out swimmers and boaters, apparently just for human
when a swell is rolling towards the shore, they are seen riding the
waves and when the water becomes shallow, they dive out of the wave and
swim towards the sea to catch another.
For a "game of catch", a small rubber tube can be tossed to someone
standing by the tank and when tossed back, it may be caught on a
dolphin's snout to "make a ringer". This is one of the games the
dolphins taught people to play with them. Sometimes the dolphin had to
demonstrate the tossing of the ring repeatedly before the human player
learned to throw it back, instead of dropping it in the water for the
dolphin to fetch. Such creative play is a clear signal of intelligence.
Moreover, dolphins exhibit a singular talent to recognize themselves
in a mirror and this self recognition, another sign of intelligence, is
a character previously seen only in humans and the great apes.The single
and most serious threat to world's dolphin population is posed by tuna
fishing since schools of tuna frequently swim underneath schools of
dolphins and fishing nets are laid around them both.
Hundreds of thousands of dolphins have been killed when the nets are
pulled in. since dolphins too are captured along with the tuna and they
drown. |