Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 30 November 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Faizer Mustapha is the Deputy Minister of Tourism and MP for Kandy district. He is also the Chairman of the Eastern Tourism Development Committee.

How true is the rumour that many of your long term friends are on bad terms with you due to your inability to get in touch with them?

That's true... some of my friends are on bad terms with me for not getting in touch with them. They think that I am arrogant now, which is an absolute myth. That is merely because I'm a busy person. Time factor always stands on my way. My only possible weakness is that I'm preoccupied with my work and often neglect my friends and family. Some friends grumble that I don't even send a text to them enquiring after their health.

So, do you continue to be a busy bee.... having a little room for your personal affairs...?

I began to realize that I should pay much attention to my personal life. I need to spend quality time with my family and friends. I feel that I have held up in this rat race so that I need to get away with it. This life style is not so healthy.

Though you are trapped in a too busy schedule to spare time for your friends, don't you meet them at parties? And are you a party addict?

I am not a party type of a person at all. My working environment demands me to attend too many cocktails and parties. I often let those functions go unattended. I prefer to go out with a few friends whenever I find time. That's more relaxing and enjoyable than in a crowded and noisy party.

How often do your family members meet each other?

My father has made it compulsory for everyone of us to get together on Friday evenings to discuss family matters and future plans. That is the only time in which we could share everything and express our feelings. That strengthens the bond and the love between the members in our family.

What do you do during your leisure time?

"Leisure time"'s an alien word for me. I hardly have free time.. I'm a type of a person who likes to be active round the clock. Even if I get little away from my work I do jogging and go to gym for a work out.

Would you believe if I say that my hobby is working? I'm a boring person I would say. Sports, recreational activities and creativity are far beyond my scope now.

How's your trend to be fashionable?

No! I'm not as fashionable as my father. He has a vast collection of colourful shirts and ties. I'm not a colourful or a fashionable person. The colours I like are boring and pale.

Are you concerned about your figure and food intake?

Yes. I'm quite concerned about my figure. I go to gym and exercise on a regular basis. But I do not control my food. I love my food.

You intake whatever is available. Is that why you have put on weight?

I think so!

What is your favourite dish?

I like Japanese dishes.

Favourite drink?

I avoid hard liquor. I like cola drinks.

What is your favourite destination in Sri Lanka?

I prefer to stay in Kandy.

Is it because of the wholesome weather conditions in the area?

No it's the people I am attracted to. I was born in Kandy and I like staying there.

What is your favourite destination overseas?

There's no particular place. People around me are the deciding factor whether I like to stay at that particular place or not. I like to keep company with people. I would stay anywhere in the world if I can enjoy a good company.

How is your approach to religion?

I do practise my religion ardently. I believe that the difference between the man and the animal is the religion. All the religions in the world guide a person to lead a righteous life. My religion helps me purify myself.

I observe compulsory fasts during Ramadhan in spite of my busy schedule. I set about fasting since I was seven years old.

How is your relationship with other religions?

I do respect all the religions in the world. I have close relationship with Mahanayake Theras at Dalada Maligawa.

When did you perform Hajj?

Only last year. I have performed "Umra" several times. I became a Hajiyar last year.

Are you well versed in Arabic?

I have a nodding acquaintance of Arabic language and am able to recite the Quran. I am also good in writing Arabic and able to read Arabic texts.

How's your competency in other languages?

I am fluent both in English and Sinhala. I studied in Sinhala medium at school. But I'm stuck when I have to pronounce or identify a somewhat complex Sinhala word.

The level of my Tamil language proficiency is same as that of an ordinary Sinhala speaking person. I only have a limited vocabulary.

You're from a "legal family"......

Yes. My grandfather, H. M. Musthapha, my father, Faiz Musthapha and my sister are lawyers. My grandfather was from a village called Madawala in Kandy. He was a practising lawyer there. During Udathalawinna massacre, my grandfather was assassinated and I appeared for that court case.

How was your relationship with your siblings when you were young?

I have only one sister. I used to be a fighting cock at home. I used to fight with my sister very often because she always had the habit of poking her nose into my work.. I was thoroughly irritated by her behaviour.

My parents didn't know what I was up to and my sister used to carry tales to them. I used to hate my sister and always dragged her into fights. She used to boss me around like a mother. At such times I somehow managed to keep my mother convinced.

Did your parents always side with you?

They were smooth on me most of the time. Since I'm the youngest and the only boy at home I received a great deal of love from them. I'd been thoroughly pampered by my mother. She has been a source of strength to me. When I underwent two operations as a child, my mother was with me for almost two months at the Durdens Hospital.

If you reminisce your impish jobs at school those days.....

I studied at Royal College, Colombo. I was annoyingly mischievous not only at school but at home and wherever I was. I don't think many of boys would have committed so much mischief as I'd done when I was schooling. I was very often punished for fighting with other students, lack of heed to teachers and skipping classes.

What punishments did your teachers impose on you?

I'd been caned and been asked to keep kneeling down for a long period of time and so on... But my parents had hardly hit me. They gave me the freedom to explore things whether positive or negative.

Why did people in Malwana call you `Shaithan Kutti' (devil's child)?

I had relatives in Malvana and whenever we visited them I used to hang around the village and demand the villagers' belongings. If they had goats I too wanted a goat. If they had dogs, cats or something else, I too wanted it. That was completely intolerable and villagers used to call me "Shaithan Kutti". Just imagine what an imp I'd been.

The imp was sporty as well at school?

I hardly involved myself in any sports activities.

How's your interest in studies?

Though I was a headstrong and mischievous type of a boy at school I managed to carry on with my studies successfully with the guidance of my parents.

How is your academic career?

I was selected to the faculty of law at the University of Colombo and I planned and pursued my studies to become an attorney-at-law. Then I left for London to pursue my higher studies. I did my masters in Commercial law at the University of Aberdeen.

What support did you receive from your father in order to come up in your profession as a lawyer?

My father worked as a President's Counsel. After I took oaths, I could have easily worked with my father since it's lucrative working with him. But he didn't allow me to shine by his name. He wanted me to have a secular identity and asked me to work separately.

If I worked with him I could have earned a lot. I went to Mt. Lavinia courts and appeared for ordinary cases . It was tough for me. I didn't like my father's attitude that time since I had to undergo a pangs of hardships.

My father moulded a good lawyer in me. Had it not been for him, I wouldn't have been what I am today. He has been a tower of strength to me. He is a prima and proper lawyer, where as I need some more steps for that.

Name a long felt penchant of yours that fulfilled itself quite recently?

That was to buy a pony and a motorbike. I could fulfil that long felt need some time ago. But you know, I had to sell the pony after two months.


Because the whole house started stinking and gave a nauseating feeling and no body could even eat at home.

Why.., didn't you have a separate garden for the pony?

No. There's no such spacious garden at home to keep the pony. It was tied in a small space in the compound.

No one at home liked me buying the pony and they put a protest. For not listening to them, they acted against me and didn't even help me with feeding, bathing and cleaning the place. I had to do all that on my own. Just imagine, I'm such a busy person who has no time to spare for such jobs. So, ultimately I had to sell the pony.

Do you have any exciting memory of that pony?

Yes...! Wonderful thing happened to me one day when I was jogging with my pony. When I was walking the pony at the Campbell Park, one officer came and told me that ponies are not allowed at the park. Then I started arguing with the officer, "how come if others can walk their dogs, why the hell can't walk my pony". Then he told only dogs not ponies are allowed. I raised my tone and it became a clamour and people thronged there to see the panorama!

You are flippant, aren't you?

Mmmm, may be... I think I talk a lot...

A few of your closest friends say that you do some crazy things....

I do crazy things with those who are closer to me. I don't think doing a little bit of crazy things is bad. If you would play practical jokes just for amusement, people would think you're some what crazy. A man who is hundred percent sober is dead and his life becomes a white tombstone. A little bit of craziness by the side is always a great joy. I go on doing a few crazy things too... and a few things that are mysterious, for which you cannot find any reason.

What is your goal in personal life?

To get the deep water diving licecse and the private pilot licence.


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