HSBC loans Rs. 10 million for Kirulapone Slum Upgrading Project
HSBC today signed a loan agreement with the South Asia Partnership
Sri Lanka (SAPSRI) to assist in the upgrading of housing improvements,
housing infrastructure and community infrastructure of two communities
from Kirulapone. The Kirulapone Project is an area upgrading project
supported by the UN-HABITAT's Slum Upgrading Facility (SUF).
The project is designed to assist the Government to lead and
coordinate technical cooperation and seed capital initiatives to develop
bankable projects that promote affordable housing for low-income
SUF is being piloted in four countries in Asia and Africa with Sri
Lanka being one of these four countries. Initiating the first SUF
project in Sri Lanka, the advisor for SUF Michael Mutter said, "Slum
upgrading is incredibly complex, and yet, it is a problem that needs our
most urgent attention. For the vibrant cities in Sri Lanka to truly be
homes for all, it is crucial that we work with the communities that live
in informal settlements. To make the biggest difference, we also need
strong support from the government and active involvement from the
private sector". The central objective of SUF is to assist developing
countries to attract domestic capital for their slum upgrading and
related infrastructure activities. Talking on the slums in Sri Lanka,
the SUF Country Coordinator for UN Habitat Ms. Ayanthi Gurusinghe said,
"Slums are neglected parts of cities where housing and living conditions
are appallingly lacking proper facilities and they are growing at
alarming rates. They are the products of failed policies, bad governance
and unresponsive financial systems. But with the support of the
Government LFSUS intends to provide feasible solutions to make low
income settlers bankable". The Kirulapone project, involves the two
settlements of Kirulapura and Siddharthapura and these are located in
the Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) area. These two settlements are
already upgraded settlements from an earlier upgrading plan.
But there are certain areas within the settlements that need to be