Prices come down
The prices of most of the essential food items have decreased during
the last few months.
The latest prices of food commodities published by the Hector
Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute (HARTI) show that
rice, onion, potato, pulses, vegetables and coconut prices have declined
due to sufficient supply of local agriculture produce to the market as a
result of the progress of the national food production drive while dried
fish price has marginally fluctuated, prices of major fruit varieties,
fresh fish, beet and mutton have increased.
The prices of both broiler and curry chicken have not changed, HARTI
announced. The Director of HARTI, V. K. Nanayakkara said that the prices
of rice, vegetables, and pulses show a declining trend during the first
three months of every year due to the harvesting of Maha crop season. A
researcher of HARTI said that there was a tendency few years ago to
neglect paddy cultivation by the farmers due to insufficient income from
paddy cultivation. That unfortunate situation was totally reversed by
the timely steps taken by the present government such as subsidized
fertiliser for farmers, higher prices for paddy with the incentives
given to farmers in the national food production drive.