SMs' salary rectification shortly
Salary anomalies of over 2,000 station masters in the Railway
Department will be rectified before April with the approval of the
Salaries and Cadres Commission, the Railway Operating Superintendent,
Vijaya Samarasinghe said.
Speaking to the Sunday Observer, he said all information pertaining
to station masters' salary anomalies have already been submitted to the
Salaries and Cadres Commission (SCC) to be resolved in consultation with
the Public Service Commission and the Treasury.
Samarasinghe denied certain media reports that the Department
incurred a heavy financial loss due to the recent token strike and said
that during the 48-hour strike, issuing of tickets to passengers in
affected Railway Stations was smoothly carried out with the assistance
of ticket checkers and examiners.
"Only 22 per cent were engaged in the token strike launched by the
Station Masters Union," he said.
Meanwhile, Station Masters Union Secretary, Ranjan Jayalal urging the
authorities to rectify their salary anomalies as early as possible
denied any intention on the part of their members to sabotage the train