Book launch at Buddhagaya
The 25th edition of "E Ama Nivan Suva Boho Dura Nove" and all other
books on Buddhism written by Ven. Kiribathgoda Gnanananda Thera will be
offered to the Vajrasana at Buddhagaya, India on Tuesday, February 17 at
10 a.m.
Ven. Gnanananda Thera is also the author of "Sedehavathunge Vandana
Potha, Vismitha Avabodhaya, Ape Budu Samindu Thavama Veda Vesethi, Budu
Samindu Deka Ganimu, Dhamma Padaya, Nirmansha Prashnaya, Sathyaya Soya
Yema, Kavuda Oyalata Metharam Boru Kivve, and Vistharartha Dhamma Padaya."
Ven. Pelawatte Sivali Thera, Ven. Ratnapure Nanda Thera, Ranjith
Karunaratne, Mrs. Rohini Karunaratne, Publisher Dayawansa Jayakody and
Mrs. Damayanthi Jayakody will participate in the ceremony.