Golf ball in beer bottle
GOLF: For many years in golf clubs in England and elsewhere the four
"bottle" shot which may have cost the genial Irishman. Harry Bradshaw
the British Open Golf Title will be discussed. It happened around 60
years ago.
The ball fell inside a broken beer bottle and it is old history how
Bradshaw played the bottle and the ball with his iron smashing the
bottle into smithereens. This incident cost him at lest one shot and one
shot would have won him the title outright, instead of his having to
replay with South African Bobby Locke and lose. The beer bottle was a
dead object which did not constitute a normal hazard and although there
is no rule to cater for such a happening, Bradshow would, in the opinion
of golfers well acquainted with the rules of the game, have been within
his rights to take the ball from the bottle, throw the offending object
away and replace the ball, all without kenalty.
At the worst, the ball could have been in an "unplayable lie" and the
Irishman could have dropped the ball within a club's length and lost a
shot. He would even then have possibly saved a stroke by the extra
distance he would have gained. He could have at least have acted in this
fashion and then taken his case before the Championship Committee to
decide later as to what kenalty, if any he should incur. Why therefore
he did not stop to think of this instead of "having a go?" Probably
human nature. If one found oneself in a similar predicament, would one
not think it was "rather fun" to play this trick shot and see what one
could do with this unexpected hazard? That is possibly what Harry
Bradshaw, a Carefree Irish man thought.
Or he might have taken the line, which many golfers are taking in
discussing this incident that the general principle of golf is that the
ball shall be played where it lies. This is the first known occasion for
such an incident to have happened at least in a major championship. A.C.
de S.