R. S. Karunaratne
Match the adjective
with its meaning
There are 20 adjectives in Column 'A'. Try to match each with its
meaning given in Column "B' check your answers with the key.
Column A Column B
1. arrogant A. rough, violent
2. boisterous B. not moving
3. contemptuous C. not running or flowing
4. distinguished D. disgusting
5. elaborate E. bright, shining
6. frantic F. successful, thriving
7. gorgeous G. causing strong dislike
8. hospitable H. self-important
9. intelligent I. stubborn
10. laborious J. not to be forgotten
11. memorable K. worked out with great care
12. obstinate L. quick at learning
13. pompous M. giving a warm welcome
14. ponderous N. richly coloured, splendid
15. prosperous O. wild with rage or pain
16. radiant P. requiring much work
17. repulsive Q. well-known
18. stagnant R. very scornful
19. stationary S. very noisy and disorderly
20. tumultuous T. boastfully proud
1.T, 2.S, 3.R, 4.Q, 5.P, 6.O,7.N, 8.M, 9.L, 10.K, 11.J, 12.I, 13.H,
14.G, 15.F, 16.E, 17.D, 18.C, 19B, 20.A.
What are sentences?
You would often hear the word sentence being mentioned when it comes
to learning English. So, let's check out what a sentence is - It is a
group of words expressing a complete idea.
e.g.:The little girl is very friendly. This is a sentence but,
'A friendly dog was' is not a complete sentence.
There are four types of sentences.
Anything we wish to say may be expressed in one of these types of
The four types are:

1. Declarative
2. Interrogative
3. Exclamatory
4. Imperative
* "Our son Dushantha is happy at boarding school." (This is
declarative because it makes a statement. Declarative sentences end with
a full stop).
* "Is your son happy at boarding school?"
(This an interrogative sentence because it asks a question. Such
sentences end with a question mark.)
* "What an outstanding animal!"
(This is an exclamatory sentence because it shows strong emotion.
This type of sentence ends with an exclamation mark.
* Sunil, come here at once!
(This is an imperative sentence. It commands or requests. Some
imperative sentences end with a full stop. - e.g.: 'Close the window,
Please.' Some are more forceful end with an exclamation mark. - e.g.:
"Be silent!" |