Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 31 May 2009





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Enjoy your fruits and veggies

There are so many different types of food in this world. Some are very good and should be eaten by the young and old alike. There are some types of food which are harmful to your system and may even cause various diseases in the long run. Eating the right food could fill you up, make you healthy and give you an extra boost of energy. Fruits and vegetables are some of the most nutritious foods available and could improve your complexion and the condition of your hair, eyes, nails and teeth. Examples are given here along with some great non-traditional ideas to consume these fruits and vegetables:


Good for your hair, teeth, bones, skin and eyesight. Carrots are best eaten raw. They contain beta-carotene which is converted into Vitamin A inside the body, resulting in better vision and bone growth for your body.

For a healthy and delicious idea for consuming carrots, mix 500g grated carrots, 1/2 cup raisins, 1/3 cup yoghurt, two tablespoons mayonnaise and one teaspoon honey in a small bowl. Chill for several hours or overnight and place on a lettuce-lined plate.


They contain collagen which is the main component of the connective tissue in our skins. Oranges also contain high doses of Vitamin C which helps keep skin clear, and fights Sun and environment damage.

For a lovely orange treat, combine 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 cup sugar and two teaspoons of grated orange peel in a small bowl. Spread on both sides of several slices of bread. Place the slices on ungreased baking sheets and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 8-10 minutes. Turn the slices over and bake for about seven more minutes. Have them piping hot. Make sure you get an adult to help you when trying out this recipe.


Pumpkin is extremely good for your skin. It is delicious, roasted with olive oil, garlic and herbs. Here's an even better way to eat it; Steam the pumpkin, then peel, deseed and cut it into chunks. Mash the pieces and mix it with hot milk, butter, salt and some syrup. Have this immediately.


Tomatoes are extremely good for the heart as they contain many antioxidant vitamins as well as zinc. They are healthy and taste great whether eaten cooked or raw, but are better in raw form because they can also rehydrate your body.

Extract the juice and drink it or roast the tomatoes and use it in pasta or salads. Even more delicious is to pour a mixture of olive oil, vinegar and chopped herbs over slices of tomatoes and onions and consume it after refrigeration for at least one hour.


If you are familiar with the cartoon character Popeye, then you'll know this is his favourite food. It contains iron and gives strength, reduces skin irritation and fights acne.

These benefits are provided by the antioxidants in the spinach which also improves sight, reducing the risk of cataract and other age-related eye diseases which you need not be concerned about right now.

It also helps bones and teeth with its high calcium content and this is certainly good for you. However, the goodness of spinach will be lost if cooked for too long.

Spinach could be eaten on its own or tossed into a salad with other greens or vegetables. Add some nuts, cheese and dried fruit for additional flavour.


They contain all the beneficial properties of Vitamin C. Even the application of lemon juice on the skin could make it brighter.

To make lovely, refreshing lemonade, extract the juice of three lemons and mix it with 750ml of water and 100g of sugar and pour it over several cubes of ice.

Bell peppers

These contain a high level of beta-carotene, Vitamins C and E and zinc. Therefore, they are good for your heart and skin and could be eaten raw or cooked.

They could be mixed into salads, stir-fries, omelettes or any other dish for that matter.

Now that you know the nutritional value and other benefits of some of the fruits and vegetables, try to eat as much as you could, without grumbling when asked to eat them.


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