Saudis crucify murderer after execution
The Saudi government beheaded a double murderer Friday and then
crucified his headless body in a Riyadh square, the government and
rights groups said.
Ahmed al-Anzi was put to death for the brutal slaying of a father and
his young son in Riyadh earlier this year, as well as for earlier
offenses involving homosexual activity and possession of lewd materials,
according to a statement on the official SPA news agency. Amnesty
International condemned the execution and crucifixion in a statement,
noting that capital offense trials in Saudi Arabia, where Islamic sharia
law governs crimes, usually take place behind closed doors, with the
accused receiving weak legal support. “Those who are sentenced to death
are often not informed of the progress of legal proceedings against them
or of the date of execution until the morning when they are taken out
and beheaded,” it said. “It is horrific that beheading and crucifixions
still happen,” Amnesty official Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui said in the
“King Abdullah should show true leadership and commute all death
sentences if Saudi Arabia is to have any role to play as a global leader
or member of the G20,” Sahraoui said. Virtually all executions in the
conservative Islamic kingdom are carried out by beheading, but
crucifixion of the bodies is uncommon.