Health Minister asserts:
Swine flu, dengue, IDPs’ health my top priorities

Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva
Pic: Kavindra Perera |
In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Observer, Healthcare and
Nutrition Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva highlighted his priorities on
dengue and the swine flu control with emphasis on health of IDPs and the
development activities in the Uva.
Q: The first person diagnosed with the swine flu has already
been found. The public is panicked as the virus is likely to spread all
over and create a dangerous situation in the country. How does the swine
flu spread from one person to another?
A: Influenza is quite common in pigs. Yet the 2009 flu
outbreak is due to a new strain of subtype H1N1 which was not previously
found in pigs. Although the strain can be transmitted from human to
human, direct transmission of swine flu from pigs to humans is
occasionally possible.
Therefore, it is our responsibility to inform people to maintain
their personal health habits, such as washing hands, using a
handkerchief when sneezing or coughing, to be careful not to touch
things with bare hands so that they could avoid infection as far as
When the virus enters a human body, high fever resulting in coughing
continues. When a person coughs the virus comes out with mucus and
saliva and thus it enters another person.
Another important point is that when a patient is diagnosed with
swine flu such a person should be separated. It is not at all advisable
to let him or her mingle with ordinary people because of the high
probability of the disease spreading to another.
It has infected 36,000 people in 76 countries and claimed 163 lives
according to latest WHO figures. Naturally the fatality rate of infants
and old people are high due to the intensity of the sickness.
People put their lives at risk when they neglect symptoms of the
disease. People should be cautious if they detect any changes in them
such as high fever. It is imperative to obtain treatment before it would
be too late because unlike dengue, swine flu can be cured with medicine.
If the patient receives treatment at the right time there is nothing to
fear about swine flu.
Q: Is the Health Ministry prepared for any eventuality? Is the
Government ready with its plans to contain the spread of swine flu?
A: The Government has already made necessary arrangements to
treat all the people afflicted with swine flu. We have made special
arrangements in the structure of the hospitals to treat those patients.
I have obtained sufficient amounts of medicine for swine flu from the
WHO and distributed them among 20 main hospitals in the country. So,
there is hardly any reason to fear over swine flu. Swine flu is not as
fatal as dengue.
When the swine flu was first detected in Mexico in late April, the
Government initiated action to prevent Sri Lankans becoming victims to
the flu. When the WHO signalled the outbreak of the swine flu, the
Government being conscious that it would come from abroad, immediately
implemented special `flu detective systems’ at the Katunayaka Airport.
If a passenger with high fever arrives at the airport, the scanning
machines indicate that with red colour. Then special arrangements are
made to keep the patient away from others till he or she fully recovers.
It doesn’t mean that each and every passenger infected with swine flu
can be detected. The machines only detect the persons with high fever.
There is a high possibility of missing those who are diagnosed with
swine flu but without any symptoms of a high fever.
So such people might develop high fever later as in the case of the
boy who has arrived from Australia. He contacted the swine flu while he
was in Australia and has developed high fever and cough after several
days of arriving in Sri Lanka.
Q: For a government which crushed the world’s most ruthless
terror outfit, keeping dengue at bay is simple but over 10,000 patients
and 125 deaths are recorded so far. How confident are you to claim that
dengue can be overcome as you got rid of terrorism?
A: As terrorism was not eliminated over-night, we cannot get
rid of dengue in one or two days. It took three decades to fully get rid
of terrorism. Likewise it may require three or four months since there
is no brisk way of getting rid of dengue fully. It should be done
systematically on step by step basis. It takes time to change people’s
attitudes and lifestyles.
That cannot be achieved over-night. So we have a huge responsibility
to organise and educate the public on the ways and means which can be
made use of to destroy dengue breeding places. With the support of the
public in full measure, I strongly believe that we would be able to
fight the battle against dengue successfully.
Q: How long will it take to eliminate dengue fully?
A: That is to say if we receive the cooperation of the public
in full, elimination of dengue could be achieved within a short period
as of a month. It all lies in the hands of the public.
Q: How can the public contribute to the elimination of dengue?
The major part of the elimination of dengue is the responsibility of the
public. It is beyond the achievement of the Government to go from house
to house of a population of 18 million people and destroy the places
where dengue mosquitoes breed.
A: It is the collective responsibility of the people to
destroy dengue. It should be done at various levels. The disposal of
garbage should be done in the most suitable way.
Since dengue mosquitoes breeds in clean water, those areas where the
water collects such as tins, plastic containers etc should be destroyed.
It is not a difficult task to keep one’s surrounding clean. The mosquito
which carries dengue virus can only fly a distance of 500m. Therefore
the person who does not care to clean his surroundings and destroying
places where mosquitoes breed has to face the repercussions himself.
Q: How much has the Government allocated for the dengue
elimination program?
A: It is hard to give the exact figures. Nevertheless the
Government spends a huge sum of money for various activities connected
with eliminating dengue, such as distribution of leaflets, PHIs and,
other public health officers to treat those who voluntarily attend `Shramadhanas’
etc. and also for other related things. The financial aspect of this is
negligible. What is most important is the public support.
Q: What punishments are imposed on those who help breeding
A: According to `Dengue Elimination Act’, a 6 months
imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 25,000 can be imposed. Considering our
cultural norms, it is not advisable to go to the extent of imposing
above punishments.
We should first warn them and if they do not respond favourably, we
have no option but to take action against them. Already over 300 persons
have been found guilty. By imposing punishment it is hoped the people
could be motivated towards elimination of dengue.
Q: How successful is the `dengue eliminating project’ launched
at schools and work places?
A: The success of those projects cannot be measured
immediately. It may take a few months to assess the outcome because
those who become dengue patients at present are those who were stung by
mosquitos couple of weeks ago.
If the density of mosquitoes was reduced by those projects as
expected, the result would appear in another couple of week’s time. Thus
we would be able to analyse how many schoolchildren or employees became
victims to dengue before these projects and after that. We could
conclude that those projects are highly successful if the rate of the
schoolchildren or employees infected with dengue is found to be
comparatively lower over time.
Q: The huge piles of garbage has its unpleasant effect on the
public. Some hold a strong view that the dengue cannot be eliminated
merely by keeping one’s surroundings clean unless otherwise providing a
workable solution to get rid of garbage.
Moreover, it causes various other health problems too. Of the
Panadura, Navinna and Bloemendhal “garbage mountains”, the last alone
has a volume of 3 million metric tons of garbage. When small tins and
plastic containers are filled with water, they provide the ground for
breeding dengue. Has the Health Ministry found solutions to the ever
increasing garbage problem?
A: We have identified that the failure to ensure proper
disposal of garbage results in spreading dengue. Health Ministry held
awareness programmes with the Local Government Commissioners and Members
and requested their assistance for the proper disposal of garbage to
ensure healthy surroundings. We organised several `Shramadana’ programs
in collaboration with civil defence committees.
It is imperative to dispose the garbage on a regular basis. Here too
the ministry requires the public support to a great extent. If I were to
cite an example, when the Ministry found a bare land to dump garbage, at
Kolonnawa the dwellers rose against the `Colombo garbage’ being brought
to their areas.
So, people should not entertain such narrow views on public issues.
We have to dispose garbage in a least harmful manner to the environment.
It is high time for people to treat the disposal of garbage as a matter
of national importance and be flexible and broad minded to assist the
Government in solving the problem.
Q: Poorly maintained public lavatories, drainage systems, and
damaged roads are highly susceptible to breeding of dengue. If you
carefully observe, you could still find such places. What action has the
health ministry taken for the proper maintenance of those places?
A: I must mention that it is beyond the scope of the Health
Ministry to repair the damaged roads, clean public toilets, or household
surroundings. Many mistake it to be a responsibility of the health
ministry. What the Health Ministry can do is to guide and direct the
public on what should be done.
There are responsible bodies who should take action against those
things and it depends highly on public cooperation. Due to lack of
commitment in cleaning surroundings and public areas dengue has spread
at rate more than we could imagine. I should reiterate that eliminating
dengue is a collective responsibility which a single body alone cannot
cope with.
Q: Have you come across any persons with dengue at IDP centres?
A: No patients or deaths due to dengue are reported at IDP
Q: How has the health ministry executed its role in uplifting
the health sector in Northern and Eastern areas including IDP centres?
A: The Health Ministry has launched a huge project to uplift
the health of those areas which were formally struck by terrorism. We
have employed a large number of health officials in those areas who work
under not so comfortable conditions. A special unit has been in
operation temporally to fulfil health needs of IDPs. AT the moment we
bring doctors and nurses daily from Anuradhapura to IDP centres. We have
developed Chettikulam and Vavuniya Hospitals. We also admit patients to
other hospitals as well.
I am proud to claim that we were able to provide all facilities to
IDPs without depriving them of even the most elementary health
requirements. Among the IDPs there were approximately 300 expectant
mothers who were about to deliver. We identified that these special
patients should not be kept at common IDP centres so that we arranged
separate wards for them at Chettikulam hospital.
We also built an operation theatre to cater to their needs. I am glad
to be present at the time the first baby was born at a specially
arranged ward, after we rescued them from the clutches of LTTE. We have
provided all facilities for IDPs on par with Colombo hospitals. We
launch program at various levels such as on nutrition, Oral health and
preliminary health etc. We have also launched a program to uplift the
psychological health of the IDP’s as well.
At the initial stage we received assistance from health staff who
came from abroad. There were Indian and French hospitals in the area and
the majority of them have now gone back to their countries.
There was a huge rush at IDP centres earlier, because thousands of
people escaped from LTTE cultches were injured due to terrorist attacks.
At that time the doctors who came here from various countries rendered a
great service and now there is no need of such foreign staff because the
ministry is strong enough to provide the necessary facilities for our
brethren at IDP centres.
People who were critically injured by terrorist attacks are still
receiving treatment and those with minor injuries have already
recovered. Now we have to provide solutions for their day-to-day health
I recently obtained financial assistance from the WHO to build
quarters for 100 medical doctors in the North and East and by now we
have already built 50 quarters for medical doctors and another 50
quarters for nurses.
We plan to build another 500 quarters for some more medical staff
besides doctors and nurses, in future, so that they would be able to
serve the people on fulltime basis. The ministry has estimated to
provide 250 medical doctors, 200 nurses, 50 additional staff and other
required human resources permanently in those areas.
Q: People complain that some restaurants where long distance
buses stop for meals hardly maintain a healthy atmosphere and the foods
sold at a higher price too are well below the standard. Many of the
restaurants have observed the public health rules in the breach. How
often are PHIs supposed to conduct investigations and produce unbiased
A: The ministry has instructed PHIs to pay special attention
to the condition of food sold at such restaurants. We have given
priority to those problems which should be addressed with immediate
effect such as dengue and IDP health. A large number of PHIs has been
sent to IDP centres especially tasked to eliminate dengue. I admit that
there may be shortcomings in handling problems you referred to due to
aforementioned reasons. Yet, we will not turn a blind eye to such
issues. They will be immediately addressed as soon as we provide
solutions to dengue and IDP health problems. Local bodies are
responsible for issuing trade licences to such restaurants. And they
should take action to cancel the licence if those restaurants do not
abide by the rules.
Q: How do you face the challenge of fighting rabies which has
claimed 235 lives from 2005-2008?
A: There is little possibility to prevent all deaths caused by
rabies because the dog population in our country exceeds 2 million. It
has to be controlled in the interest of public health. We have to
introduce the method of `Responsible dog ownership’ in Sri Lanka because
a person interested in a puppy keeps them at home when she is young and
chases her away when she grows old. This should be avoided because it is
as responsible as rearing a child. The dog should be given proper
vitamins, and injections on time for rabies and so on.
The number of stranded dogs is high in the country. The Government
has allocated a huge sum of money for rabies treatment. There are 2,000
dog bites recorded per day in the country. The Government has to spend
Rs. 36,000 for the necessary vaccines for a patient and nearly 50000 -
100000 rupees are spent on a single patient.
I do not recommend the method of killing dogs to prevent rabies. Many
countries, however use that method. If you carefully examine you would
never be able to get rid of dogs by killing, because if you kill 10 dogs
soon another 10 will be there!I have implemented an effective method of
controlling the dog population in a responsible manner, such as
sterilisation of dogs, which would not involve killing of dogs.
Q: You once mentioned that Sri Lanka ranks No. 1 in `storing
blood safety’. On what basis do you say that?
A: There are less than five incidents reported in the history
of blood transfusion in which a patient died of HIV or other diseases.
It is a good record in comparison to the deaths connected to blood
transfusion reported in other countries. So, I proudly proclaim that Sri
Lanka has such systems of safe storage of blood. We obtain blood only
from donors. The Government spends a huge amount of money to check for
any germs in the blood obtained. The most advanced and reliable blood
transfusion centre in South East Asia is in Narahenpita.
Many authoritative bodies including WHO have inspected the centre and
claimed that our blood transfusion centre has high quality blood samples
more than anywhere in the world. So we are extremely proud of that.
Q: It is a great achievement that a Sri Lankan Minister became
the President of the World Health Assembly and the Chairman of the
Executive Committee for the first time in the history of Sri Lanka. A
stamp too was issued to mark the event. How will the Sri Lankans be
benefited from that?
A: I could gather a vast spectrum of experience in that post.
And I was also able to closely associate with other Health Ministers and
Heads of States in various countries. I got an important opportunity to
make the world aware of the current situation in Sri Lanka when I
attended conferences.
Apart from that I received Rs.2.3 billion as a grant for the
development of the Anuradhapura Hospital. That was possible because I
maintained friendly terms with Japanese Health Minister for a quite long
time since I met him at the WHO. Likewise I maintain close relationships
with health ministers in other countries such as India and China. When I
scaled the WHO ladder I was able to strengthen the bonds of friendship
which helped the country a great deal. For example when the government
needed to build quarters for the medical staff who work at IDP centres,
I requested the WHO to assist us in building the required quarters. It
was done within a couple of weeks.
Also we were able to send many doctors abroad for training and take
part in conferences organised by WHO. Sri Lanka receives numerous
opportunities and benefits by its Health Minister holding a responsible
position .
When I hold the position at the WHO it is Sri Lankans who should be
proud of it because they recognise me as the Health Minister of Sri
Lanka not as a person.
It is a privilege for me as well as for the Sri Lankans. Many
countries spend huge sums of money to get such position at WHO. They
canvass for years for that. But in my case, I didn’t even spend a cent
to get that position. It is the good faith and the image I have built in
Q: How do you refute the allegation thrown at you by the
Opposition that your inefficient management has caused health problems
such as dengue. They also argue that if you had taken action at the
initial stage, deaths could have been prevented. They are of the view
that you should resign?
A: If that is the case, all the Health Ministers in countries
which were affected by dengue should resign. The Dengue Type 3 which is
a genetically modified version of dengue is found in many tropical
countries. Dengue is a problem which is created as a result of climatic
The Opposition throws allegations at me with little knowledge on
scientific facts. They narrate that the scientific mutation of dengue is
my fault. I sympathise with those who issue such baseless statements
based on their ignorance.
Moreover, countries like Mexico, Australia, USA, Switzerland too
suffer from swine flu. Have the Health Ministers of those countries
resigned merely because the country is infected with swine flu?
Everyone in the country should get together to overcome those
diseases without capitalising on the situation to get political mileage.
I would like to ask a question from those who bring such allegations,
that hadn’t they faced problems with infectious diseases like cholera
and dengue during their time? And does the colour of the government
matter for such diseases?
It is obvious that the Opposition have become jesters. This is a fine
example for people to assess the level of intelligence of those who
issue such utterly baseless allegations.
Q: What are the infrastructure developments implemented by
government to uplift Uva?
A: We have implemented massive development projects in Uva
Province. People in Uva have numerously benefitted by the `Pubudamu
Vellassa’ concept initiated by myself.
Roads and underdeveloped villages have been developed under `Maga
Neguma’, ‘Gama Neguma’ and ‘Pubudamu Vellassa’. Roads were developed to
provide the easy accessibility to and from Uva. Previously it took 6 or
7 hours to reach Badulla from Colombo. Now it only takes less than five
An efficient road system have been built across Uva such as Badulla,
Bandarawela, Nuwaraeliya and the road extends up to Chenkaladi.
It provide easy access to areas like Colombo, Galle and Hambantota
which facilitates easy dispatch of goods produced in Uva.
Health sector is highly developed in Uva. The Mahiyangana Hospital
received an international award for its high standard. Clinics and
community halls, water supply systems, concreted roads etc., were among
the other development projects completed.
We launched special projects to uplift the economic standards of Uva.
As an encouragement for those who cultivate yams, the government imposed
a tax of Rs. 25 for a kilo of imported yams.
So that the local farmer would be able to earn a good profit.
Providing necessary facilities, we have uplifted the standard of people
in Uva.
Q: Nominations have been called already for the Uva Provincial
Council elections. How is your preparation for that despite dengue
crisis and allegations by the Opposition?
A: We are to give nominations on the 24 this month for the
elections. We are preparing for a historical victory for which there is
not the slightest doubt.
There is a different election structure in Uva Provincial Council.
There are 125,000 Tamils and 40,000 Muslims. Our aim is to strengthen
bonds among other communities who support the government vision and gear
up in achieving a great victory at the election. |