IBSL launches TOT program
The Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka launched an internationally
reputed Training of Trainers (TOT) program, for the introduction of a
Microfinance Diploma Course, which is developed in collaboration with
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (FSFM) one of the leading
private business schools based in Frankfurt, Germany.
Chairman of IBSL and
Deputy Governor of Central Bank W.A. Wijewardena |
The training program was by highly recognised international trainers
from the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and 28 participants
registered for the program.
They were from various backgrounds, and disciplines with variety of
experience in the Microfinance and Banking sectors.
The 10-day ToT seminar was divided into two components: During the
first week participants were acquainted with Frankfurt School's teaching
methodologies and training skills.
This also included presentation and evaluation techniques for adult
training and methods for optimum transfer of knowledge.
In the second week, participants got an overview of the different
topics covered in the Microfinance Diploma course and familiarised
themselves with the course content.
The Micofinance Diploma Course aims at combining international best
practice standards with banking, finance and management skills and in
addition, refers to the specific situation and stage of development of
microfinance in Sri Lanka.
This program is supported by the Promotion of Microfinance Sector (ProMiS)
program which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic and
Development (BMZ) and implemented by the German Development Cooperation
(GTZ) in Sri Lanka.
Upon completion of the course, successful candidates were awarded
with a recognised certificate from Frankfurt School of Finance and
Management and will be enrolled in the pool of IBSL trainers to function
as lecturers in IBSL's Microfinance Diploma Course in future.